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congratulations to you for making it to the end of this book. it's been WILD🥳

quick salem life update: my classes are currently kicking me. this is my last semester before i graduate so my head needs to be in my studies. that being said, i will NOT be posting the newest books until i'm able to breathe. i promise to not keep you guys waiting too long🙏

reminder: please enjoy life while you can. be grateful for everything you have and the lessons life has taught you. yes, even the bad ones. in 2023, im all about self love so i hope to spread the message😌

no trigger warnings because they contain spoilers. if you're hesitant to read, please feel free to message me and i'll glad give them to you☺️

20/20 chapters not proofread so why start now?✨

word count: 6345

One week later:

Y/n woke up with a throbbing sensation on her head. She tried to cradle her head but her hands were tied to the chair below her. The young woman squinted her eyes to adjust to the dark lighting. She had gotten used to this room for the last week.

Four different men would come in and take shifts to take care of her. None of them ever laid a hand on her, they just made sure that she was well fed and hydrated. However, when their shift ended, they would inject Y/n's arm with some sort of sleep drug.

These drugs were obviously having some sort of physical aftermath effects on Y/n. Or maybe it was because she was asleep in a chair for a week straight.

"Good morning," a voice said from behind her. The young woman shut her eyes as she recognized that silk voice anywhere. A hand dragged across her shoulders before trailing down her arm. Y/n slowly opened her eyes and was met with Dallas smiling down at her. "Sleep good?"

"I'm going to fucking kill you," Y/n said through her teeth and tried to fight the restraints. Dallas chuckled as she gently caressed Y/n's chin. The young woman jerked her head away from Dallas's hand causing a scoff to come out of the older woman.

"Play nice, Y/n," Dallas said and leaned down, examining each detail of Y/n closely. "I remember when you were so gentle, so fragile."

"What do you want?" Y/n asked and kept her eyes to the ground. Dallas grabbed her chin and tugged it to get Y/n to face her. The two locked eyes, causing Dallas to smile widely.

"I wanted you back. You were too distracted by that stupid FBI agent, so I needed you to come with me and we can get everything together," Dallas said and swiped her thumb over her lips. Y/n instantly pulled back at that gesture. Dallas's hands weren't anything like Emily's. Hers were rough and dry while Emily's felt like they belonged on Y/n's body. "The flight is scheduled to take off in a few hours."

"What are you talking about?" Y/n said and furrowed her eyebrows. "I'm not going anywhere with you."

"That option to vocalize your opinion has been revoked. It was clear to me and the rest of the girls at the club that you were about to abandon the ship. If you did that, it would cause business to die and the rest of us to be counting pennies," Dallas said and walked slowly around Y/n. "You care about me and them, right? You wouldn't want us to fail, would you?"

"What the hell are you talking about? I wasn't going to leave," Y/n said and tried to get out of the restraints again. "Dallas, enough. Get me out of these things."

"I knew you wouldn't leave. It's that piece of shit that you're seeing that would have persuaded you to," Dallas said and stood in front of Y/n again. "Emily came in and took you away from me. I had to beat her at her own game and catch her off-guard."

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