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(tw://suicidal thoughts, attempted suicide)

Aizawa pov:
I cautiously made my way towards Bakugo but he slowly started scooting backwards, dangerously close to the edge. I have to be careful, I can't risk him falling.
I need to find a way to get closer to him without him reacting so that I can capture him with my scarf and pull him back. He'll most probably put up a fight but at least he'll be safe in my arms again.

He was nervous, he probably didn't think someone would come and ruin his plan just at the last moment. I had to work quickly while he was hesitating but I had to be careful since he was very much on guard.

My eyes scanned him as I inched closer. His eyes were red and puffed up, his hair was disheveled and blowing carelessly in the cold breeze. His arms were bleeding again, he must have scratched his healing wounds and he was very obviously failing to hide it. I also noticed that he was shivering slightly but I wasn't sure if it was because of the cold air or because of the blood loss.

I was trained to do this, I can do this. I've done it before and I sure as hell can do it again so I need to stop panicking and focus. I have to persuade him to come with me, not force him against his will. PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER SHOUTA.

I spoke gently, trying to distract him.

'it's quite cold up here isn't it Katsuki?'
I moved closer.

He stayed on gaurd but ignored my question and looked up at the sky.
"hey sensei?" he murmered, his breath hitching a bit before he looked at me cautiously. I nodded my head, "yes katsuki?"
"look at the stars, aren't they beautiful?" I hummed in response and moved closer as he slowly let his guard down a little more.

"I usually look a them when I'm feeling extra sad but it seems like these last few years, my neutral feeling has become sad. They remind me of izuku and give me peace for some time before I'm back to my neutral feelings."

"they're beautiful katsuki, they really are"

He nodded in agreement and relaxed his shoulders. By this point, I had reached him. I think I managed to calm him down enough. I gently reach out to him but he slapped my fingers away and flinched. "Katsuki shush it's just me, I won't do anything to you".
He looked unsure for a moment and I saw fright flash in his eyes but he relaxed again and let me touch him. I hesitated before I reached out and pulled him in for a warm hug. He rested his face in my neck for a few second before I heard him quietly sobbing.

"it's okay katsuki, I'm here now. everything is fine, everything will be alright."

"I'm a villain, I'm a brat to my old hag and I'm a burden to everyone so I deserve to die. I deserve to take a swan dive of this roof right now and finally be free of this feeling. Everyone will be so much happier without me to hold them back"

He was sobbing hysterically and hyperventilating so I rubbed his back till he quieted down again, he had filled his head with all of this stuff which isn't true because he was neglected and bullied. He needed affection and support right now. I dont know how to calm people down but one thing I do know is that I'll do whatever it takes to comfort people I love and care about.

"S-sensei I don't understand. H-how can I be a h-hero if my emotions and my d-disabilities c-compromise me? It's...
It's Impossible -

"nothing is impossible kid, just look at Mic sensei. He was deaf just like you, he was depressed half his life because he thought there was no hope for him but he kept hope and look how he turned out. He's an amazing pro hero, he has an amazing job, a husband and a family. Being deaf never stopped him from being happy and achieving his goals so it shouldn't stop you.
It's possible Katsuki and you can do it too." I pulled him closer and let him rest his head on my shoulder. I heard him sniff a little and snuggle close underneath my warm capture scarf. I let out a smile.

We sat together in silence for some time, just enjoying the quiet before I decided to attempt to ask him to move away from the edge and come back down to his hospital room with me. His arms were still bleeding and I couldn't risk him loosing any more blood.

"Katsuki, Can we got back now? Mic will probably be worrying about where we are" I said with a small chuckle.
Katsuki was very tired and he was falling asleep rapidly on my shoulder. He gave a small smirk but nodded his head sleepily
"you better not fucking tell anyone about this dad" he said weakly and half asleep as he tried to stand up but he immediately collapsed from the dissappearance of adrenaline, basically the only thing that was keeping him going until now. I picked him up, placed him comfortably on my back and started my way back downstairs.

On my walk down all I could think about was the fact that he had called me dad. HE FREAKING CALLED ME DAD!!!

By the time I reached his room, he was already asleep and I was met with a horrified Zashi who was frantically whispering tons of questions as I placed my problem child back on his bed.

"Shh Zashi baby, I'll tell you everything outside, let him sleep for now."
He nodded hesitantly as we left the room quietly. I called a nurse and asked her to attend to Katsuki's cuts as I made a mental note to check up on him every fifteen minutes.

Half an hour and two suicide note explanations later, I had explained everything to Zashi and he looked like he was about to cry.
"baby don't cry, he's okay now. We can help him, we're adopting him remember?" I wiped a stray tear that slipped from his eye and kissed his forehead. "we'll make this work, I promise"
He nodded and smiled "yeah, you're right Sho"

"on a side note, Zashi guess what? HE CALLED ME DAD!!"

"Awh Sho that's amazing, you're going to be the best dad, I just know it"

"you're going to be an amazing father too Zashi"

"hmm Eri will be excited to have the little listener as her new sibling"

"I know my love, I know."

(1161 words)

Heyy sorry for the late update I've been procrastinating and have been having exams! Enjoy this halfassed chapter I made in 4 hours lmao (feel free to correct any mistakes cus I was sleep deprived when I wrote this chapter💀)

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Heyy sorry for the late update I've been procrastinating and have been having exams! Enjoy this halfassed chapter I made in 4 hours lmao (feel free to correct any mistakes cus I was sleep deprived when I wrote this chapter💀)


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