Chapter 1 : Mako Island

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When something magical happens, everyone is surprised but, not as much as I was when I was transformed into a mermaid. Most people wouldn't believe me if I told them.

It happened one day, a long time ago, when my friend Taylor and I became stranded on Mako Island after our boat sank into the ocean. We went out in hopes to come back home right before dark. Unfortunately, the motor died and we were stuck with nothing, not even a paddle, to help us get home. Eventually, after looking around us and seeing nothing but ocean and Mako island. We decided to go ashore the island in hopes that we would be able to get a cell phone signal when we hit the beach.

As soon as we hit the sand, Taylor pulled her phone out of her pocket. She walked towards the forest that was behind the beach, hoping to get at least a small signal.

She furrowed her brow, "There's no signal, Jess."

"Maybe we could move to higher ground. That might help," I suggested.

Taylor was one to look towards the negative in these types of situations so, her response didn't surprise me, "If that doesn't work, we'll be stranded forever."

"Not forever," I chuckled, hoping to ease her mind.

We walked into the forest, towards the center of the island, hurriedly, hoping to find some sort of signal. Taylor, meanwhile, held her phone up in the air in front of her. She let out a frustrated sigh, "Still no signal. We've got to figure a way off this island."

Ten minutes later, we walked to some rocks. They seemed to be on top of something, except I didn't know what. I walked towards them while my friend stood behind me still focused on her last hope, her phone. I studied the rocks, hoping to discover what was under the almost perfect rocks.

"I wonder what's here," I said to myself, tapping my chin thoughtfully. I walked over the top of the rocks, trying to find something, even though I didn't know what I was looking for. Suddenly, as if it had just appeared, I saw an opening in the rocks. Crouching down, I hoped to get a closer look, "Taylor, I found some-" I lost my balance and tripped into the hole.

Taylor turned her head, "Jessica, where are you?" I could hear her running, trying to find me.

"Here." I yelled hoping she would find me.

She looked down the entrance I had fallen from, "Here?"

I looked around the hole. It appeared to be a small cave, "Yes."

"Can you climb back up?" Taylor asked me.

I stood back up, and bounded up the small passageway, only to fall down because of how gravelly the ground was. I fell back down with a loud thud, hitting my foot slightly.

"I take that as a no," Taylor said as she leaned down, about to come down towards me. "I'm coming down."

"I'm not sure that's a good idea," I explained, as she slid down the entrance. My effort to tell her was in vain, "Nevermind."

"I'm here now," she said as she helped me stand. "There's gotta be a way to get out of here."

We looked around the small cave, hoping to find our ticket home. "Woah," Taylor said as she spied something. In a small corner of the cave she saw stairs. They appeared to be carved from cave wall.

We walked up the stairs, in awe of how perfect they were. It amazed me how perfect they seemed to be, almost too perfect. When we made it to the top of them, we saw a pool of blue sparkling water on the other side. It was a perfect circle with an opening to the ocean. We climbed down and walked towards the pool.

"Cleo was right," Taylor said in awe.

"What?" I questioned.

Taylor then told me how her cousin, Cleo, had told her about a pool in the center of Mako Island. She had told her that it connected to the ocean. My friend also told me that no one had believed her even though they knew about how mystical Mako was. "Cleo says the pool is connected to the ocean." Taylor said, looking into the water.

It was then that I noticed the full moon perfectly centered in the pool. It surprised me I didn't notice this before. I looked at the pool in awe, somehow sensing that there was something special about the pool.

"This is our ticket home," I said to my friend as we neared the pools edge. She nodded as we joined hands and jumped into the pool. We surfaced and looked at the moon. It was surreal being in the pool surrounded by moonlight. It was almost magical. That wasn't the most magical part, though.

Seconds later, something happened. It was something beyond magical. The water started to bubble, and golden glitter appeared to float in the air. The moon glimmered in the water as I turned to Taylor, whom, just like me, was startled by what was happening.

"What's happening?" She asked me in a sort of freaked out way. "This isn't natural."

I looked towards the moon, somehow feeling connected to it, "I don't know."

A few moments later, the bubbling and the glitter stopped. It was as if it hadn't even happened. Taylor and I looked at each other in surprise. What had just happened?!

We took a minute to process the whole thing silently. We sat in the water, still feeling surprised and shocked at what had happened.

"We need to swim home," I told Taylor. "It's already dark and our parents are probably worried sick about us." Taylor was frozen, still taking in what had happened. I gently tapped her hand, "Let's go, okay?"

"Sure," she nodded.

I led us out of the pool, making sure Taylor followed me. Above me I saw a flashing light, the water police. I took a breath as Taylor and I surfaced. "This is the water police, come to our boat immediately," a man in a speaker said in a microphone.

We listened and swam towards the boat. Taylor and I thought that that would be our last visit to the island but, boy, were we in for a surprise!


I am slowly rewriting this book. The plot will not change. I am just updating it with better grammar and more detail. Thanks! - Jamie Patrick


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