Chapter 13 : Hellos and Goodbyes

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The next day I went with Niall to the Gold Coast Airport. We held hands as we walked to One Directions private plan. Right before the stairs, he took my hands, and said, "Jessie, Im going to come back to Australia when the American tour is over. I'm going to miss you so much!" He started hugging me, "I love you!" I looked into his baby blue eyes, they sparkled as I said, "Nialler, I love you too." I started to cry. Niall patted my shoulder, "Jessie, babe, I'll be back. I promise."

After our final goodbye, I watched the plane take off. My heart was breaking. But, I knew Niall would be back. I decided to go for a swim. I was alone in the water. I swam around the reefs and headed for the moon pool. I swam in slowly. I had so much to think about. My mind drifted between lots of differant thoughts. It took me a while to notice I wasn't the only one there. A mermaid about Cleo's age had just swam in. She had blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Hey," she said.

I looked back, "Hi. Who are you?" I asked.

"Emma Gilbert. I just came back from traveling the world with my family. And what's your name?"

"That sounds fun, Emma. My name is Jessie." I smiled.

"Cool." Emma said. "I didn't know there was another mermaid."

"Yeah," I smiled. "Will you keep my secret?"

"As long as you keep mine." Emma smiled. "Wanna go for a swim?"

"Yeah," I said as we filed out of the moon pool. Emma was happy to go for a swim.

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