Chapter 8 : Full Moon

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I walked home happily. Taylor wouldn't believe me if I told her about Niall. I swam to Mako Island. I found Taylor and Rikki talking at the moonpool. Taylor looked confused and Rikki tried to introduce herself. I laughed.

"Hey stranger." Rikki laughed.

"Hey Rikki. Hi Taylor." I said.

"I didn't know there was other mermaids." Taylor said.

"Well, now you know." Rikki smiled.

"How long have you been a mermaid?" Taylor asked.

"About three years. And you know your-" Rikki started saying as Bella and Cleo swam in.

"Wow. Full pool!" Bella laughed.

"Cleo? This is how you know so much about Mako." Taylor said, she was shocked her cousin was a mermaid.

"Yeah. I wish I could have told you, but I had to keep quiet." Cleo said.

"Ok, so there's five mermaids now?" Bella said laughing.

"Oh goodness, yes." Rikki said.

"We need to keep this a secret, understand girls?" Cleo said.

We both nodded.

Later, we all got out of the pool and talked about the moon. The full moon. Rikki said we wouldn't get moonstruck when it was rising, it only happened when it was over the volcano cone over Mako. Rikki also told us not to look at any moonlight or look at the moons reflection. She told us most importantly not to go near water. She didn't want us to get moonstruck. 'This is going to be way easy.' I thought to myself. Boy, was I wrong.

I walked home and put my curtains over my window so I wouldn't see any moonlight. I got a text from Niall- Hey, what's up? xo NH.

I texted him back- Nothing really! Hbu?

A few minutes later- Practicing for the concert in Melbourne. Louis says hi.

I laughed- Tell Louis that I say hi back. You'll do good at your concert, Nialler.

-Ha ha. I got to go. NH

I looked out over the water, Mako looked beautiful. The full moon was almost over Mako. I walked to my family room. My family had gone out across the street to talk to some neighbors. I quickly took food from the refrigerator. And ran back to my room. I went to sleep but woke up a few hours later.

I remembered what Rikki had said. 'Don't look at it.' I thought. Suddenly I got a call from Taylor, she didn't sound like her normal self.

"Jessica, come to Mako Island."

"I cant," I said. "I'll see the moon."

"Please, it will be so much fun." She sounded like a little kid.

"Are you feeling okay? Did you see the moon?"

"I feel fine. The moon looks beautiful tonight." Oh great! She saw it.

"I've got to go." I said.

"Come to Mako." Taylor said as I heard a splash.

What should I do now? I couldn't go outside to get her! I looked over the contacts in my phone. I saw Cleo's number and decided to call her,

"Hello?" Cleo said.

"Hi, Cleo, I have a problem." I said.

"Jessie, what's up?"

"Taylor saw the moon and is going to Mako right now." I said.

"Oh no. Lewis, come here... Lewis can help you." I heard the phone being passed to someone else.

"This is Lewis. What's the problem?" A voice said.

"My friend Taylor is moonstruck. We've got to do something."

"We can go to Mako. I'll meet you at your house in a few minutes." Lewis said.

"Wait, isn't that a problem? I cant look at the moon, remember?" I said.

"I know. Put on a jacket with a hood. There will be no problem with you looking at the moon."

"Ok," I said. "See you in a few."

"I need to know your address." Lewis said.

I heard Cleo yell at him for asking. Lewis said he had to know. I told him my address and a few minutes later he and, Cleo, Rikki, Lewis, and Bella were at my doorstep.

I had put on a jacket even though I didn't know why. I saw the other girls had them on too. "Why do we need these, exactly?" I asked. "So, you don't see the moon." Rikki explained. We all got in the boat and we started heading for Mako.

"Put your heads down," Lewis said, "So, you don't see the moon."

I nodded as Lewis started the boat and we started off to Mako. We went to the beach and all hiked to the moon pool. We walked in and we saw Taylor in the water. She was splashing happily. "Come in, you guys." She giggled.

"You need to get out. Its Lewis a friend." Lewis said as he put his hand out. Taylor took his hand and pulled him into the water.

The girls started to laugh then Cleo said, "Lewis get her out."

Lewis just smiled and started to talk to Taylor. He did his best to get her out quickly. It was about an hour later when we got her out. Taylor seemed mad about getting out of the water.

"Don't ever do that again." I said.

Taylor just giggled.

"I'm serious." I said as we were going back home.

"She wont remember any of it in the morning, you know." Bella said.

"I didn't know you were ever moonstruck." Cleo said.

"Yeah, my mum said I acted crazy during a full moon. She must have thought I was a werewolf or something." Bella laughed.

Taylor was dropped of at my house. So, I let her stay in my room. She acted a bit crazy until she went to sleep. The next morning Taylor woke up and discovered she wasn't in her own room.

"Jessie, what am I doing here?" She asked.

"You got moonstruck so I brought you here." I said.

"Well, I don't remember..."

"Your super crazy when your moonstruck." I laughed.

"Oh," Taylor said confused. I just laughed. I hope Niall never sees me moonstruck.

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