22|Ebner Hoffman

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tw: hints at depression, indirect mentions of the holocaust, light suicidal thoughts


"Though I am often in the depths of misery, there isstill calmness, pure harmony,and music inside of me

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"Though I am often in the
depths of misery, there is
still calmness, pure harmony,
and music inside of me."
- Van Gogh

Judith Henderson stirred some milk as she clutched the phone to her ear, the line fully uncurled so the woman could reach the stove. The phone rang three seconds before Scarlett answered.

"Hello Scar, it's me Santa Judith," From the other end of the line, Scarlett greeted the woman. "I was wondering if you would mind picking my uncle up from the station with Floyd tomorrow? My car broke down and I could only bring it in tomorrow and Otis has work--"

"Of course I can," Scarlett interrupted. "What time does his train arrive?" The girl questioned, the rustling of paper on the other side revealing that she had whipped out the notebook that Scarlett and her family kept by the phone.

Judith let out a relieved breath. "Thank you, my dear, he arrives at 1pm."

"I'll pick Floyd up tomorrow then."

"Alright, thank you again! Bye." The two said their farewells and Judith stirred the milk some more before taking it off the stove and pouring it into a mug. The woman returned the phone to it's rightful place before going back to the counter. She put some cinnamon and honey in the warm milk and stirred it a few times before taking a sip.

The front door opened and in walked Floyd, a new comic book under his arm and a walkman on his hip. Judith snapped her fingers repeatedly, which earned her her son's attention. Floyd paused his music and slipped off his headphones, the boy noticed the mug in his mother's hands and frowned. "Mama, you'll get a stomach ache."

In reply Judith rolled her eyes and shook her head. "It's worth it," She grinned. "What I wanted to say is Scar can pick Onkel Ebner up with you tomorrow.

"Mama, why have I never met him actually?" Floyd inquired, he assumed that he had met all of his family from his mother's side when he had lived in New York for a year. As far as he was aware there was only one family member from the Hoffman family that was alive outside of the United States and that was a distant cousin of his who was living in Israel. But Floyd had even spoken her over the phone, so the mystery of his mother's uncle remained.

Judith set down her mug, her hadn't lingering on the bright red object for a few seconds as well as her eyes. "He was still in Germany, Opa didn't talk about him much," Before Floyd could ask why, Judith continued. "Everyone thought Ebner was dead until the 60s, he refused to visit however."

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