| chapter seven |

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Letting out a soft moan, I stretched as my eyes opened a little

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Letting out a soft moan, I stretched as my eyes opened a little. Seeing the brightness of the room, I quickly closed them again. 

Curling back up, I noticed I was lying down on something hard, cold, and smooth. It registered to me that I had fallen asleep on the cold marble floor. The blanket that I was currently cocooned in, however, was a nice contrast of warmth.

A low groan escaped my lips when I noticed the heaviness of something lay over my waist as it shifted beside me, tugging me closer. I smiled as my eyes begin to droop as I began drifting off to sleep once more.

Frowning, I opened my eyes again rapidly as I turned over to see a sleeping Phil lay next to me in the makeshift bed. Blinking slowly, I raised my finger and trailed it down his cheekbones as I internally tried not to panic.

The room was a fucking mess; everything was either askew or broken.

There was a makeshift swing hanging from the ceiling that I could only say looked like a sex swing, a massive stack of cards and fucking chicken clucking around.

Letting out a sigh, I just cuddled back into the warmth, not ready to start the day just yet. Something was telling me that we were going to be in big trouble.

Suddenly a scream comes from the bathroom before a terrified Alan runs out and crashes into Phil and me. I let out a groan as Alan falls across my body and knocking all of the breath out of me.

I let out a winded gasp and rolled to protect my ribs as Alan thudded to the ground when he landed next to me and frightened whimpering escaped him as he scrambled away kicking and screaming.

Phil leaned over your shoulder as he wheezed in pain. "What the fuck?" He groaned, opening his eyes to glare at Alan. "Control yourself, man" He blinked, holding a hand up. "Goddamn, will you put on some pants?".

Peered up from under my lashes, I subtly glanced at Phil and noticed he was shirtless before peeking under the duvet to see I was wearing his black shirt from last night and my own underwear.

This would have made me feel relieved if it wasn't for the dull aching coming from between my legs. Fuck.

"Guys, do not go in the bathroom," Alan yelled as he watched you and Phil from his spot on the ground.

"AI, just calm down. It's us," Phil said as I noticed him eyeing me as much as I was him. He probably caught on to what happened between the two of us. I avoided his gaze as I pulled the shirt down to cover more than it was.

"Phil, Lexi, there is a tiger in the bathroom," Alan shrieked as he got to his feet, put his arm out in my direction as if to ward me from moving towards the bathroom.

"What's going on?" Stu questions from the lounge area with a dazed expression on his face.

"There's a jungle cat in the bathroom!" Alan cries out as he holds the bottom of his t-shirt down to cover the space between his legs, leaving his ass completely hanging out.

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