| chapter six |

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Putting on my heels, I give myself one more glance in the mirror as I quickly fix my hair for the hundredth time before walking back out of my room

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Putting on my heels, I give myself one more glance in the mirror as I quickly fix my hair for the hundredth time before walking back out of my room. Hearing a wolf whistle, I jokingly pose as Doug lets out a laugh.

"Wow, Lex, you look nice," Phil says as he puts on his jacket, also looking very good dressed up in all black. I smiled at him and helped smooth out the back of his suit, and swiftly undoing one of his buttons with a wink.

"Where's Stu?" I ask, looking around before we walk over to his door. I peek in with a small knock seeing the older man on the phone, I rolled my eyes, knowing exactly who he was talking to.

"What else? Um... We met the, uh, proprietor" The three of us walk into his room. Phi lays on the bed, and I sit by his side as we watch Stu talk on the phone to Melissa. "Oh, I bet you..."

"... What's his name? Um, Caesar. Palacè. Yeah, like the salad" Phil tapped his watch toward Stu. "Okay. Well, listen, I gotta go, because we're gonna hit this wine tasting. Wait, wait. I love you. Okay. Bye".

His happy smile made me wish that it was towards someone who deserved him and not the she-devil he was in a relationship with.

"I'm not even gonna say anything. It's so embarrassing," Phil mutters as he draws patterns on my back with his fingers while I smack him on the leg. Although I agree with him, I didn't want to upset Stu.

Stu just glares at our blue-eyed friend before glancing around the room. "Where's Alan?"

"He, uh, he went downstairs," Doug pipes up as I shiver from Phil's finger trailing up my spine. "He said he had to grab a few things" I frowned, wondering what 'things' Alan could be out getting.

"Good, because I have something to show you," I snorted at the moves Stu was making until he pulled out a ring box.

"What the hell is that?" Phil hisses as we both glance at each other in horror, knowing this had bad news written all over it.

"What do you think?" Stu huffs, rolling his eyes at the taller man's tone.

Phil just gaped at Stu in disbelief. "If it's what I think it is, I think it's a big fucking mistake" I bite my lip from adding anything to Phil's statement. This was bad; there was no way he could marry that evil bitch.

"I'm gonna propose to Melissa at your wedding. After the ceremony," I let out a loud groan before Doug pinched my side as I squealed and giving him a small glare. How could Doug be so okay with this?

"Stuey, congratulations!" Doug says as he holds the ring box open. Stu smiles widely as he puts his pants on.

Glancing in the box, I gaped at the piece of jewelry inside of it. "That's a beautiful ring" I smiled up at my friend as he grinned proudly.

"Yeah. It's my grandmother's. She made it all the way through the Holocaust with that thing. It's legit" I took the box from Doug and looked at the ring more closely. There was no way Stu could give this ring to Melissa.

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