| chapter eight |

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Getting into the elevator, I was quick to stand next to Phil, who instinctively put his arm around me as I tiredly leaned my head against his chest

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Getting into the elevator, I was quick to stand next to Phil, who instinctively put his arm around me as I tiredly leaned my head against his chest. I snorted, seeing Alan bouncing the baby in the baby carrier he had found in the closet, weirdly he was very responsible around the baby.

"Why can't we remember a goddamn thing from last night?" Stu groaned around the makeshift ice pack he had in his mouth. I can't wait to see what that evil dragon lady has to say when she sees the state of Stu when we get home.

Phil sniffed, and I heard his stomach groan from where I was leaning on him. "Because we obviously had a great fucking time. Why don't you just stop worrying for one minute? Be proud of yourself."

I laughed quietly to myself at his tone; he sounded exactly how we all looked. Wrecked. From the way my body was tired and aching, I can only imagine the crazy shit we got up to.

The elevator stopped on a floor, and the doors opened, revealing a rich-looking older woman who smiled at Alan and the baby as she got into the steel box with us. She has that rich grandma vibe to her, and I instantly hated it.

"Oh, how cute. Is he yours?" I frown as the old woman directs her question to me, obviously choosing to ignore that the baby was with Alan, and I was standing in Phil's arms.

"God no, thank fuck" the woman looked mortified as I let out a laugh of amusement. Having crotch goblins of my own was not on the agenda for me. I wouldn't be a good mother at all, plus I think all babies kind of look like potatoes at first, so I wouldn't be deceived by their 'cuteness.'

Turning back to Alan, the woman smiled sweetly at him and the baby. "What's his name?" it was awkwardly quiet for a moment as Alan seemingly ignored the woman before Phil stepped in.


Alan shifted his head to quickly glance over his shoulder "Carlos."

I let out a breathy laugh watching as the woman internally realized that she wasn't currently with a group of regular people before quickly exiting the elevator. The doors closed once more as Phil frowns at the back of Alan's head. "Carlos?"

Reaching the lobby, the woman all but ran out of the elevator leaving the four of us to slowly get out too. I was almost carrying Phil into the lobby as he leaned more of his weight on me like I was some kind of walking stick.

"Right, Alan, you take the baby and go find a seat outside," Stu delegated as Alan nodded at his words before walking off. "I'll check around inside, and Lexi, you can check outside and around the pool."

Nodding my head, I quickly gazed around in case Doug was in the lobby. Stu's face turned thoughtful for a moment as he looked in the direction Alan went. "Phil, why don't you go sit with Alan and, you know, make sure he doesn't fuck up the baby."

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