| chapter seventeen |

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Never in my life did I think I would be standing in one of Mike Tyson's bathrooms cleaning up the blood from my eyebrow after getting hit with a crowbar by a tiny Asian man

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Never in my life did I think I would be standing in one of Mike Tyson's bathrooms cleaning up the blood from my eyebrow after getting hit with a crowbar by a tiny Asian man.

"Everything okay in here?" Leonard, Mike's manager, asks, handing me a clean towel after I splash my face with water. I still wasn't sure why they were being so helpful, but either way, they had been nothing but nice to me.

Nodding, I silently took the towel and followed him to the beautifully designed living area where Mike was sitting in front of an open first aid box.

Mike gave me a smile when I got closer to him, he'd already offered me a change of some of his girlfriend's clothes, but I declined. They are probably from some high fashion retail place, and I'm out here running through the desert looking for my lost friend.

He motioned me to sit next to him while unwrapping some antiseptic wipes and tape. I imagine with his previous boxing life, he was used to patching himself and other people up.

"Why are you helping me?" I questioned as soon the wipe touched my lip. It was like my mind couldn't stop for two seconds and my mouth followed in turn. "Not that I'm being ungrateful; I just don't understand."

Mike smiles as he dabs the blood from my lip and eyebrow. "I got kids. One of them not too much younger than you, I'd think," He explained as Leonard passed me a bottle of water.

Throwing away the wipes, Mike cut some of the tapes into small strips. "The world can be a bad place, so if I can help someone in need, I would hope someone would help one of my kids when they need it."

I silently let the older man fix my face as Leonard pulls up the security footage on the big tv in front of us.

Mike's words struck me in a profound way that I had always tried not to think about. I had wandered this earth for so long, trying to be super independent because I had no choice.

Seeing someone like Mike Tyson talking so profoundly about his children pulled up feelings I had long tried to push away.

"What happened to you guys anyway?" Leonard questioned, pouring whisky into three glasses and handing them out before sitting on the couch next to us.

I let out a snort taking a sip of the amber liquid before retelling everything that had led us up to this moment. The two men listened intently, giving various expressions during my story, laughing at times and then frowning at others.

Somehow in talking with the two older men, I managed to say more than I expected. The guilt of Alan buying drugs because of my influence spilling from me.

"Now, what's a girl like you taking drugs? Take it from me it's not a good direction to go in," Mike says as he looks into my eyes with a stern gaze. "What's your momma think about it? Do your parents help".

Letting out a sigh, I quickly finish the rest of my drink. "My parents aren't what you would call good people." A bitter laugh escaped me as I gently placed the expensive glass on the coffee table.

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