| chapter nine |

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After grabbing a cup of coffee from the pool bar, we made our back through the hotel to the valet

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After grabbing a cup of coffee from the pool bar, we made our back through the hotel to the valet. The plan was to go to the hospital and speak to any of the doctors who were working last night, hoping to find out any information or maybe find Doug in the hospital itself.

"Lexi?" a rushed female voice called out as we stepped into the lobby. I stumbled in confusion as my name was called out. Did I know anyone in Vegas to be on a nickname basis with them? Oh god, was it my wife?

Turning around, I noticed Lisa from the front desk walking over to us, looking both sheepish and apologetic as she wrung her hands together as she politely smiled at the guys before turning to me, "I just want to apologize for flirting with you yesterday."

Frowning to myself, I wondered if I had seen her last night or this morning and accidentally said something that made her feel awkward. "Huh?".

Lisa glanced at our group, embarrassed as she sighed. "If I had known that you two were in a relationship-" she motioned between the tall, blue-eyed man who was watching sharply and me "- I never would have acted that way."

I silently looked over at Phil before turning back to Lisa was a short laugh wondering where the hell she got the idea that Phil and I were together, especially when I willingly took her number yesterday "We're not together."

The pretty receptionist's eyes brightened as her face lost the subtle embarrassed and sad look as her eyes passed between Phil and me. "Oh, I just thought because-"

Phil huffed as he diverted the brunette's attention him "So Lisa, we've got a bit of a problem, we're having trouble remembering anything from last night. Did you happen to see us last night or this morning at all?".

Lisa let out a giggle as she put her hand over her mouth. "Well, I heard Lexi came into the lobby screaming about strippers. You guys were apparently very wild. Vegas must have got to you" well, that sounded ominous.

"Wait, what is that supposed to mean?" Stu asked as the receptionist smirked as her eyes glinted with amusement. I wonder how many people she saw this happen to. Vegas was insane.

Her eyes drifted to mine, and the flirty expression was back on her face. "Call me," she said before walking around over to her desk.

"Your girlfriend was very helpful, Lexi," Stu comments sarcastically as we all watch Lisa saunter away as we reeled from her unhelpful but obviously teasing words. We have been chaotic for her to refer to us as 'wild.'

I sighed, shrugging my shoulder watching Lisa giggle with a co-worker. "At least my girl didn't fuck a waiter on a cruise," Alan let out a loud laugh as he followed me, muttering a 'classic.'

"It was a bartender," the dentist pouted as Phil patted him on the shoulder. Heading outside, Phil handed the valet slip to a young guy who smiled widely as Phil tapped him on the shoulder in thanks.

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