| chapter thirteen |

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"It's got, uh, Ted Danson and Magnum P

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"It's got, uh, Ted Danson and Magnum P.I. and that Jewish actor," Alan said as he compared us to a movie that he said he couldn't remember the name of.

The whole ride here, he didn't stop once, not even when his rambling went unanswered.

"Shut up, Alan," Stu grumbled from in front of us as he scanned the apartment numbers. "What room was it again?"

"It's 825," I sighed, following him before frowning at Alan "are you talking about three men and a baby?" I questioned as his eyes lit up suddenly.

"Yes! This is exactly like three men and a baby. Ha! Classic" giving a soft laugh, I shook my head at him before hearing a worried voice coming from one of the apartments.

"I know, I did. I already checked with her" A pretty blonde came out of the door, and I recognized her from the wedding photos. She gasped with a smile seeing us, "I found him. I'll call you back."

Jade closed her phone and gave us all a friendly smile. "Thank God, he's with his father" she took the baby from Alan, who pouted, "I was freaking out. I missed you, sweetie," she cooed to her son before turning to Stu with a sly grin, "and I miss you."

My jaw dropped when she kissed Stu with ferocious power. If he lets this woman go for that dragon lady, I swear that I'll scream.

Jade laughed after she pulled away from Stu. "What the hell happened to you guys?"

"Actually, we were hoping you could tell us." Phil smiled politely as I nodded, hoping to get all our answers from this woman. Hopefully, she could fill in the blanks for us.

The blonde laughed again. "What do you mean? I got up this morning, I went to get coffee, and I came back, and you were gone."

The four of us stood silently. "Why are you being so quiet?" Jade questioned with a playful grin. She seemed pretty friendly for someone we had met the night before.

Stu just gave her a demure smile as he mumbled, "I'm not being quiet."

Stu's new wife just gave a giggle and grabbed onto his hand. "You're so cute. I gotta feed Tyler. Come inside, you guys." Phil and I glanced at each other as our friend was pulled inside the woman's apartment.

"Did you hear that?" Alan sighed sadly, stopping in the doorway, still wearing the baby carrier. "Baby's name is Tyler."

"Yeah," Phil patted his shoulder, "I thought he looked more like a Carlos too, bud" it seems Alan had become attached to the small child in the short time we'd been with him.

Alan shrugs while Phil rubs his back in comfort. "It's okay. You'll name your guys' firstborn son Carlos for me, right Lexi?"

Absentmindedly nodding at his words, I quickly stopped in my tracks, spluttering at the insinuation that Phil and I would be having babies. "What the f- no Alan" my face felt hot as the occupants of the room eyed me.

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