| chapter fourteen |

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Sitting beside Stu in the offensively hard plastic chairs, I rolled my eyes when a very messy guy in handcuffs opposite us gave me a wink and smirked

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Sitting beside Stu in the offensively hard plastic chairs, I rolled my eyes when a very messy guy in handcuffs opposite us gave me a wink and smirked.

Phil told us that we should call Tracy and let her know what was happening and one look at my expression made him sigh as he fished a few coins out of his pocket.

I guess he could see the guilt I was feeling, losing Doug was probably the worst thing I could have done on this trip, and I feel like I've done many bad things over the last day and night.

But I was supposed to be the maid of honor for my best friend's wedding, and I do the one thing I'm exceptionally good at. Fucking shit up. So now we have to lie to Tracy while trying to find her missing fiancé.

She was going to kill me.

Wallowing in my self-pity, I ignored the mustached police officer who looked as if he were giving a tour to a bunch of school kids while simultaneously pretending like Phil wasn't currently using his lying laugh over the phone.

That laugh was usually coupled with a charming grin and a flash of his pretty blue eyes, which mostly got him exactly what he wanted or helped him through one of his speeding tickets.

"This is so fucked" Stu sighed from beside me, where our wrists were joined by metal. You know, I never thought I would see the day when Stu and I would be put together with the use of handcuffs.

While I'm a pro at the kinky use of them, I wasn't so confident that Stu and the Dragon lady equipped them in their usual bedroom routine.

I just hummed at him, too tired for a reply. Hearing my friend's voice over the phone hit me hard, and I realized that outside the Vegas bubble was a woman waiting to marry the love of her life.

Which definitely won't happen if we stay the night in prison.

My eyes flittered around the room before stopping when I noticed something in one of the small office rooms. Straining my eyes, I smiled, seeing a police officer watching a telenovela.

Watching along for a few moments, I huffed when the sheer volume of the other people in the room drowned out the TV's sound. "Hey! You tall, dark, and handsome! Turn it up!".

Stu and Alan turned to me sharply when I started shouting. A few other officers turned to glance at me, but I didn't pay them any attention.

I finally got the man's attention and yelled out again, letting out a loud whistle.

"Lexi! Shh! We're already getting arrested," Stu hissed at me, but I was past the point of caring. We were all hungover, dirty, and tired. I had married my friend, probably ruined my best friend's wedding, and I was hungry.

The black man turned with a surprised expression as he pointed to himself. I nodded with a smile and once asked him to turn the sound up. I watched him glance back towards the TV before standing up.

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