| chapter eleven |

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Sitting in the front of the cruiser with Phil, I turned to look at him as he drove, which I have to admit he always looked good doing

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Sitting in the front of the cruiser with Phil, I turned to look at him as he drove, which I have to admit he always looked good doing.

"Why are you mad at me?" I asked softly as the two in the back talked, well, more like Alan talked, and Stu hummed in the right places.

Cerulean blue eyes met mine. "I'm not" his jaw was still tense, and his tone was off.

Phil was never good at lying to me, but the fact he was trying hurt "I just want to find Doug, get you unmarried and then get Doug down the aisle. You know because he was the one supposed to get married, not you".

"I know, I'm sorry. I made a mistake," my voice came out low and quiet, "I fucked up" I was born a screw-up, and I would live my life the same way. My parents always loved to tell me how screwed up I was any time they could.

The older man just sighed as his hand reached over to grab mine and held it in the center console. "You didn't fuck up. It was an accident. I'm sorry if I made you feel any other way".

Giving him a small smile, I moved closer and leaned my head on his arm before we pulled into a small parking lot with a giant sign for 'The best little chapel.'

Gazing out the window, I frowned "anyone remembering anything yet?".

The guys all confirmed they didn't.

My stomach started to turn as I realized I was a few steps away from finding out who I married. I never wanted to get married, and I still didn't, but the fact my first marriage was an accident would only add to my list of screw-ups.

"What about the baby?" I turned to see Alan looking at the baby in worry, but the little boy just smiled back at us with a gurgle.

Phil sighed, slamming the door shut behind him. "Leave him in the car. We're gonna be five minutes."

My gaze turns between both Phil and the baby as Stu begins to argue, "Whoa, we're not leaving a baby in the car."

"He'll be fine. I cracked the window."

I just shrugged and trailed after Phil when Stu glanced at me questioningly. It should be okay. We'd be in and out; it's not like someone would steal a baby from a police cruiser.

"What if they don't remember us?" Stu whispered from behind us as we walked into the building.

"Well, let's just find out" Seeing a man and woman by the makeshift altar, I nudged Phil and nodded in their direction. "I'm sor... Excuse me, sir? Hi." Hearing Phil's voice, the man turns quickly and grins, seeing us standing in front of him.

A hearty cheer erupts from him. "Look at these guys. What happened? You miss me? You miss Eddie? You want more from me?" he pulls Phil into his arms before doing the same to me, squeezing my butt in the progress.

I gave Phil a wide-eyed glance as he took looks confused. "How are you, my friend? Look at this guy. You're fucking crazy. What's going on, man?".

The man steps back but continues to talk excitedly. "Listen, I'm gonna tell you something. I know some sick people in my life. This guy is the craziest, wildest bastard I ever met in my life, man.".

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