| chapter twelve |

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Blinking rapidly, I stepped back as Phil picked up the book to flick through as the room went quiet

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Blinking rapidly, I stepped back as Phil picked up the book to flick through as the room went quiet.

"Huh. I always thought I would be the one out of the wolf pack to marry you, Lex," Alan said aloud as I glared at him. "Should I call you Lexi Wenneck now?".

"No, no, she kept her last name." Eddie glanced down at a piece of paper which I'm guessing was the marriage license. "Alexandria Hale. You wanted to keep your name even though you said it reminded you of your parents. I just thought it was a case of daddy issues. We get a lot of those".

Trying not to yell or scream, I just clicked my tongue. "We can just get an annulment, right?" I exclaimed, not even looking Phil in the eye. "Right?!" I directed to Eddie, who was nervously biting his fingernails.

"Well, you can, if the two of you did not consummate the wedding" Stu and I gave each other a quick knowing look. We all knew what happened between Phil and me.

Well, except for Alan and maybe Doug.

I let out a groan and lay my head against the counter top. "Why didn't anyone tell me Vegas weddings were real?".

Eddie questioned Stu about my lack of knowledge on Vegas weddings as if I was the only one who didn't know that stupid piece of information.

Seeing my stormy expression, Eddie quickly made his exit out the back with a quick "I'll be right back."

Phil still hadn't looked in my direction or much less said anything to me, but I was still grasping at straws. "We can just get a divorce. We'll find Doug, go home and get a divorce there. It'll still be longer than my great grandma's first wedding".

Clinking noises made me stand back up as I saw Eddie's woman carrying two heavy boxes in her arms. "Hey, what's all that?" The woman opened the box, and my eyes grew in shock at the items they had made for the wedding.

"The High Roller package. It's what you ordered," Eddie showed us the things with Stu and the woman's picture printed on them. "I have coffee mugs. You have baseball caps, huh? and fancy calendars, all with pictures of Stu and Jade".

Alan took a hat from the table and placed it on my head with a smile before taking one for himself. "Her name's Jade?" Phil questioned as Stu paced around with his arms behind his head, looking as if he was questioning his entire existence.

"Yeah, and she's beautiful, man. Clean, very tight. Tits like that. But that's because she had a baby" Did we just find the mom of the baby? So not only did Stu gain a wife in one night, but he also now has a stepson.

"That explains the baby," Phil said to Alan, still not saying anything to me as the other man nodded, muttering the name he had given the small child that we had in the patrol car outside.

"Great. All right. Uh, here's the deal. Stu made a mistake last night. He needs this marriage annulled" A sudden and quick glance was made towards me. "There was no uh consummation."

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