| chapter sixteen |

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Sluggishly walking down the hall to our room, I leaned on Stu, who held on to me while also leaning back on me

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Sluggishly walking down the hall to our room, I leaned on Stu, who held on to me while also leaning back on me. We were like a house getting ready to fall but holding on to its last two semi-stable posts.

Getting my ass kicked by a tiny Asian man was an unwelcome change to the day. Instead of the throbbing headache of a drugged hangover, it was now the possible pain of a concussion.

"Wait, guys" We all turned lethargically when Alan called to us, "Guys. What about the tiger? What if he got out?" I let out a pathetic groan remembering the wild animal in our room.

"Oh, fuck. I keep forgetting about the goddamn tiger. How the fuck did he get in there?" Phil questioned, looking as equally put out as I felt. What idiots wake up with a tiger at a bachelor party?

Us, that who.

"I don't know because I don't remember," Stu loudly scoffs, facing Alan, who only glances back with a shrug as if he didn't know why Stu was acting the way he was.

"Shh. Stu. Stu, keep it down," Phil hisses, lowering his voice as he slowly opens the hotel room door.

"Because one of the, uh, side effects of, uh, roofies is memory loss.

You are literally too stupid to insult.

I rubbed my forehead on Phil's back as I tiredly mumbled, "I'm sure we could come up with something."

"Thank you, Lexi," Alan said, patting my shoulder as I blearily picked my head up to shake my head at him with a questioning look. Did he think I was complimenting him?

"Hey," Phil called out to the three of us, taking my hand and pulling me into the room behind him. "Hey, come on," he hisses to Alan and Stu when they didn't follow us in.

Hearing music playing, I frowned. Was that Phil Collins? "Did we leave the music on?" Phil questioned as I shook my head. We weren't playing any music when we left.

Alan and Stu were still squabbling behind us even after being told to shut up. They were honestly like children when together. It's like Alan brings out Stu's childish nature. "Hey. Shh. Don't make any sudden movements".

"It's not a fucking T-Rex, Phil. If it wants to attack us, it will," I hissed to him but still pressed myself into him nonetheless. I wasn't getting beat by a tiny man and eaten by a tiger all in one day.

Phil turned the corner and yelled, bumping into something, "Unh. Whoa!" I gasped as Stu let out a terrified scream at an octave that I don't think even I could reach.

"Who the hell are you?" My new husband shouted as a taller stocky man turned with an annoyed look on his face. He, for some reason, seemed angry at us for being in our own hotel suite.

"No, who are you?" The man growled as Phil squeezed my hand tighter, and Stu pressed himself against my back shaking.

"Quiet, quiet," turning at the sound of another voice, I was shocked at who I saw sitting at the piano in the suite.

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