| chapter eighteen |

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Sitting in the back of the torn-apart car, everything is awkwardly silent

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Sitting in the back of the torn-apart car, everything is awkwardly silent. Even Alan seemed to understand that the atmosphere was tense and preoccupied himself but humming quietly.

"So you and Mike Tyson seem pretty close" I frown at the tone in Phil's voice. Why did he sound annoyed by my making friends with Mike? "The two of you just seemed really chummy."

"What is that supposed to mean?" I scoffed, glaring at the back of my 'husbands' head. As he sat in the passenger seat of the almost wrecked car.

"I'm not saying anything. It's just funny how we're being attacked by a tiger, and you're at a mansion drinking whiskey, making inside jokes with the guy who knocked out Alan!" Phil jams his thumb in Alan's direction, whose eye has now turned a lovely purple shade.

I hissed, hearing those words coming from him. "Don't bring Alan into this. Weren't you also just at that same mansion fanboying over him?" I dropped my tone to mock his "'Oh Mike, I'm such a big fan.' Grow up, Phil".

"Grow up?" The two of us began arguing over each other. This wasn't typical behavior for us which is probably why Alan and Stu looked so concerned.

"Stop fighting! You two never fight," Alan shouted, placing his hands over his ears and starting to yell over the sound of mine and Phil's arguing. It was like seeing the child of divorced parents.

Phil's eyes turned concerned for him, and I pried Alan's hands from his ears, hushing him. "Alan, calm down. We're not fighting. Phil just can't help but let his ego take over his brain, that's all".

The blue eyes man let out a sharp laugh. "Yeah, buddy, everything's fine. Lexi just can't see what's happening right in front of her. She never can" His eyes met mine with an emotion I couldn't place.

The two of us quickly began bickering again. It's like we really became an old married couple. Phil's jealousy was showing though I have no idea why. Mike Tyson's old enough to be my dad.

"Both of you, stop it! You're setting Alan off again," Stu shouted as Alan returned to rocking and singing with his hands over his ears. I sighed but again pulled his hands down and placed them in his lap.

The car is once again awkwardly silent as Stu drives us back toward the hotel. That was until Stu quietly said, "You know, everyone says Mike Tyson is such a badass, but I think he's kind of a sweetheart."

I nodded, understanding the man was nice to me, even if he didn't have to be. Leonard had been great too.

Alan pouted from next to me as he defiantly crossed his arms over his chest. "I think he's mean. He's making Phil and Lexi fight, too" I rolled my eyes at his words but didn't say anything.

Arguing with Phil already left a bad taste in my mouth.

"All right. I think it's officially time we call Tracy." Phil's words froze me. I thought we'd have more time to find Doug before we had to call Tracy. What would we tell her: Sorry, hun, we lost your supposed-to-be groom?

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