| chapter one |

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Dancing in the Club with my best friend Tracy, I couldn't keep the smile off my face

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Dancing in the Club with my best friend Tracy, I couldn't keep the smile off my face. I live for these moments, to feel free and get my dance on with my friend, having no care in the world until the next morning.

"Let's get a drink," Tracy calls to me as she leans into my ear, nodding quickly; I let her pull me over to the bar as we pushed past people and through couples who were more focused on putting their tongues down each other's throats.

"Two Appletinis," Tracy says as she leans over the bar giving the barman a bright grin before throwing her arm around my shoulder. "It's my best friend's birthday!" a few people cheered for me as Tracy whooped.

Tracy and I had been friends since we met, back when I was 7 and she as 11; you would think she would want to be friends with kids her own age, but no, she chose to stick by me through thick and thin.

We were practically sisters growing up, although that came with being around Tracy's older brother Alan who followed us around everywhere, unable to make friends of his own.

Seeing our drink being put in front of us, I got a wink from the barman as he pours us two shots. "Happy birthday, beautiful," he commented with a wide grin before moving to serve someone else.

Clinking my shot glass with Tracy, I laughed as she cheered "Happy 22nd birthday!" before we both downed the shot, and Tracy's face instantly screwed up tightly. "I don't know how you drink those," she said, shaking her head shivering.

"I'm still young," I joked as she bumped hips with me, sipping on her own green colored drink, and I followed suit. "God, I love apple," I told her, feeling the effects of the alcohol that we had been drinking for most of the day.

Leading her to a table, I placed my drink down and looked up to see her blushing. "What?" I question with a smile before noticing her gaze going over my shoulder. I turned to see a guy also staring back at my friend from another table.

He was sat with two other guys, all three of them good looking in different ways "why don't you go over there?" I questioned my friend, who instantly shook her head, still blushing.

"I don't think so," She laughed, hiding her red face behind the martini glass "that shit might be easy for you but not me" I rolled my eyes at her words, knowing she'd never go over there, and by the look of it, the guy wasn't about to make a move either.

Grabbing my drink, I stood with a smirk as Tracy began to panic, "Lexi, no!" she pleaded with me but I wasn't going to let this go.

"Lexi, yes," I sassed, giving her a kiss on the cheek as I made my way over to the table with a smile.

"Hi," I said as the three guys all perked up, looking shocked that I was there. "So-" I turned to the smaller guy who blinked at me owlishly like he was being put on the spot.

"-my friend over there thinks you're cute but won't make a move, so I am. Are you single?" the guy nods slowly as he glances over my shoulder, giving Tracy a small smile. "Great, her name is Tracy. She's 26 and is into you. You should go talk to her".

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