| chapter five |

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We finally arrived in Vegas, my mouth dropped in awe of all the lights shining bright in the darkness

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We finally arrived in Vegas, my mouth dropped in awe of all the lights shining bright in the darkness. We'd soon be out on the strip having fun and giving Doug one last night of fun before marriage.

"Hi, welcome to Caesars," I glanced up to see a pretty dark-haired woman smiling at us from being the reception desk, Lisa, as her name badge states. We all greeted her before she asked, "Checking in?".

Stu stepped forward with a polite smile, "Yeah. We have a reservation under Dr. Price" Phil and I both snorted at the use of the title as we shook our heads.

"Okay, let me look that up for you" The woman made eye contact with me quickly before typing on the small computer.

"Dr. Price?" Phil questioned, "Stu, you're a dentist, okay? Don't try and get fancy".

"It's not fancy if it's true," Stu retorted as I tapped his shoulder. The man spent years of his life in college to get that title, so if he wanted to throw it around, he can.

Shit, I'd be calling myself Doctor too if I could. Dr. Hale has a ring to it.

Phil just laughs, looking back up at Lisa. "He's a dentist. Don't get too excited, And if, uh, someone has a heart attack, you should still call 911."

Lisa gives Phil a small smirk. "We'll be sure to do that" Stu just pouts and looks away. We jest, of course, we're actually really proud of our resident 'doctor'.

"Can I ask you a question?" We all turn to Alan wondering what kind of thing he would be asking the poor receptionist, "Do you know if the hotel's pager-friendly?" He held up his pager with a serious face.

Lisa glanced at me for a second before facing Alan. "What do you mean?"

"I'm not getting a sig on my beeper," I sigh, pressing the top of my nose as I gave Lisa a weak smile, wondering how many years I've had to put up with this but also knowing it'll never stop.

"I'm not sure."

"Is there a payphone bank?" we all shook our heads as Alan continued, "Bunch of payphones? Business" His eyes shifted towards us for a second before he looks back at the confused receptionist.

"Um, there's a phone in your room," She comments, sounding bewildered and a little put out.

"That'll work" Alan clears his throat as he avoids our gazes.

Lisa nods and glances back at her computer. "So I have you in a two-bedroom suite on the 12th floor, is that okay?" She smiles politely at us.

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