| chapter four |

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Being stuck between Phil and Stu would be suffocating if I didn't think the end goal was Vegas

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Being stuck between Phil and Stu would be suffocating if I didn't think the end goal was Vegas. I was willing to suffer the journey to get to that destination.

"Whoo!" Alan stands up in his seat and begins cheering, "Road trip! Vegas! Vegas, baby! Vegas!" I turn to see the little girl he was pointing at flicking him off. He quickly sat down after that.

"Come on, just till Barstow. Everybody's passing us," Phil argued, wanting to drive the car. I just leaned back into my chair, drinking the beer that Phil had passed around to all of us.

"Absolutely not. I promised Sid. I will be the only one driving this car. Besides, you're drinking," Doug tells him as we continued to drive along at a snail's pace.

"Oh, what are you, a cop now? You know I drive great when I'm drunk," Phil called out as Stu, and I nodded, we've both seen Phil behind the wheel when he was drunk, and I have to admit drunk driving Phil is a better driver.

"True. Don't forget, Phil was always our designated drunk driver," Stu explained as I high-fived him.

"Yeah. You wanna explain it to them, Alan?" I knew what was coming already. None of us have ever driven this car, even with me being close to their family, I wasn't allowed to drive it.

Stupid DUI.

"Guys, my dad loves this car more than he loves me, so, yeah," Alan said, and I noticed Phil roll his eyes beside me. He didn't realize how true that statement probably was.

"Aw, whatever. I left my ex-wife and kid back home so I could go with you guys. You know how difficult that was?" I snorted, knowing that he was lying. He hated being married.

His ex-wife was amazing though, they're still really good friends, and their son Eli is the most adorable kid I've ever met, and her husband was an all-around really awesome guy.

"That's really sweet, Phil," Alan said as the rest of us scoffed, knowing how untrue that comment was. Phil was a good dad, he really was, but like me, he loved the more easy-going lifestyle that didn't come with marriage and kids.

"Dude, I was being sarcastic. I fucking hate my life. I may never go back. I might stay in Vegas."

I gasped, putting my hand on his arm. "Oh, me too! We could get a condo together!" I say excitedly, thinking about all the gambling, alcohol, and strippers "all you can eat buffets," I mumble to myself as Phil nudges my head with his playfully.

"Doug, enjoy yourself because come Sunday, you're gonna start dying just a little bit every day."

I scoff at the blue-eyed man. "I'm so telling Steph you said that" His eyes narrow on mine. I loved telling Steph things he's said and watching him get told off like a naughty schoolboy; even Eli does it now too.

"Yeah. That's why I've managed to stay single this whole time, you know?" I almost spit my beer at Alan's causal words.

"Oh, really? That's why you're single?" Doug laughs, looking back at me for a second with a wide grin. That's one to tell Trace.

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