| chapter nineteen |

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I think one more hit to the head would be the end for me; the pounding inside my skull was becoming a problem

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I think one more hit to the head would be the end for me; the pounding inside my skull was becoming a problem. That added with the hangover from whatever drugs and alcohol were in my system, oh, and the beating from a tiny Asian gangster.

Las Vegas goes hard, I guess.

Phil raced us back to the hotel, throwing the keys into the poor chalet's hands as we ran to the suite. We had to find that purse of Alan's to save Doug before the gang kneecaps him or something.

I haven't talked to Phil since his outburst in the car. He had no right to be jealous over something stupid like me getting close to Mike. I can handle him getting upset when other guys hit on me, but this wasn't anything like that.

Bursting through the suite doors, I ignored Phil's gaze on me. I didn't have time to see his sad blue puppy dog eyes. I always forgave him for this kind of stuff, but Doug was my priority right now.

We all split up, going different ways, and begin ransacking the suite. "Okay, if I was an Alan, where would I keep my purse?" I mutter to myself, looking in every area I could imagine that Alan might have been.

"Guys, I'm telling you, I looked for it this morning before we left. It's not anywhere," Alan says, coming out of the bathroom as I get on the floor and search under the cabinets.

"Fuck" Phil swears as he stops searching and slams his hands on the counter. "Stu, how much you got in the bank?".

I get up from the floor and look at our friend. He's probably the one here with the most money. I'm sure if we asked Sid and Linda, they'd happily give us the money to cover Alan's mistake, but we can't do that and risk them finding out about Doug.

"About 10 grand. I was gonna use it for the wedding," Stu tells us, squinting his one eye in thought. I walk towards the couch cushions on the floor and drop down on them with a sigh.

"Well, you're already married, so we're good there," Phil says, coming down to the seating area with a shrug. "Besides, enough with Melissa. She's the worst."

"Yeah, Doug told me she had sex with a pilot or something," Alan states while holding one of the couch cushions as I chuckle. Phil smiles a bit, hearing my laughter but doesn't comment on it.

"It was a bartender on a cruise." Stu tried to deny it but frowned when my laughter continued, and I fell back against the floor. "What is wrong with you, people?".

Using the couch to pull myself up, I turned to face Stu. "You're the one dating an abusive she-devil, and yet we're the ones who have something wrong with us?".

Stu just looks at me before frowning in disgust as he eyes Alan. "Ew. Alan, did you just eat sofa pizza?".

"Dude?!" I say with a frown watching him eat pizza from between the sofa and cushion. Biting back a gag, I just frown as he finishes the slice with a shrug.

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