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At evening was the inaugration ceremony of Raghuvanshi enterprises new site. It was a big day for Ram and Siya. There were reporters covering for the interviews while securities were handling them. The Raghuvanshis along with Rajrishis enters the place. The clicking sound of cameras were heard as they move towards the area which was decorated with the ribbon to be cut.

SUMANT- welcome sir..

DASHRATH- Sumant... All arrangements done?

Asked Dashrath as Sumant hands him a file. Dashrath started giving a final check.

SUMANT- yes sir.. everything is done..

Ram comes near them. He greets Sumant by smiling at him.

RAM- Sumant ji.. those employees who had came here are comfortable in their hotel rooms?

Sumant smile by his concern. He nods his head in agreement

SUMANT- yes Ram.. everyone is fine.

DASHRATH- great... Today I'm going to make an important announcement. After the inaugration.

Ram and Sumant looks at each other in confusion.

RAM- announcement? Regarding what papa?

Dashrath pats his shoulder smiling.

DASHRATH- you'll get to know soon...come let's proceed...

Said Dashrath taking Ram at the centre. Everyone were gathered near them while the guests and the employees were also present. The media person were gathered at a distance capturing the pictures of the ceremony for their page 3 report. Sumant goes at the centre and took the mike in his hand.

SUMANT- attention everyone...

All the people looks at Sumant while he waited for a moment to gain everyone's attention.

SUMANT- all of you are welcome to this new site of Raghuvanshi enterprises.

Everyone claps while Sumant continued to give the brief.

SUMANT- since past three years, Raghuvanshi enterprises is working on this factory. And today we are into the start of this huge site with a resolution of giving employment to those low level and unskilled workers who are in a need, as our moto says...

Everyone claps at this. Sumant takes a moment for all to get quite and then continued.

SUMANT- we have a very special person for this inaugration today. The new member of this family, ladies and gentlemen please put your hands together to welcome Mrs Siya Ram Raghuvanshi...

All the people started clapping their hands to welcome Siya. Siya looks at Ram who smile at her nodding his head. She looks at her other side where Dashrath and kranti were standing. She took their blessings making everyone surprised. The media started clicking pictures of the moment.

KRANTI- god bless you beta...

Said Kranti caressing Siya's head. Dashrath moves his hand forward while Siya give her hand in his. He took her in the centre in front of the gate. He took the mike from sumant.

DASHRATH- ladies and gentlemen...

Everyone became silent as Dashrath started his words

DASHRATH- before this auspicious moment takes place, let me tell you all why this day is special for me.. rather for all of us..

Said Dashrath looking towards his family.

DASHRATH- this project, this factory was my dream from long back. I wanted to build something not for the profit of Raghuvanshi enterprises but for the betterment of the unskilled workers. And today I can proudly say that this work has been made possible by my beloved son, Ram...

BOOK 1 "𝐻𝑢𝑚 𝑆𝑎𝑎𝑡ℎ 𝑆𝑎𝑎𝑡ℎ 𝐻𝑎𝑖․!" 𝐴 𝑚𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑛 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦Where stories live. Discover now