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Sumitra was still sitting on the couch in living area, busy in her work. Kranti came near her carrying some jewelry boxes with her.

KRANTI- Sumitra...

Sumitra turns her face at side to look at Kranti who settled down beside her. She was smiling as she kept the boxes between them.

SUMITRA- ye kya hai.?

Asked Sumitra sounding confused. Kranti opens the top most box and shows the simple pearl anklet set to her.

KRANTI- how is it.?

Asked Kranti with a smile while Sumitra looks at the box and then at Kranti. She understood what is going on in Sumitra's mind and decided to clear it herself.

KRANTI- holi nek.. for Siya..

Sumitra looks at her in surprise. Kranti keeps the box aside and shows her the other three boxes too.

KRANTI- and these for the other three..

Said Kranti with a smile. She looks at Sumitra's expressions which were not happy, not sad nor angry. She was looking only confused and surprised hearing Kranti's preparation for Holi.

KRANTI- what happened.? What you are looking at .?

Asked Kranti while Sumitra blinks her eyes for a moment gaining the words to speak.

SUMITRA- you very well know right.,? What is happening in our family.?

Asked Sumitra by which Kranti's smile lessened. She didn't expect this coming from Sumitra.

SUMITRA- inn sab ke bad bhi.. aap.. itna normal kaise act kar sakti hai didi.?

Questioned Sumitra having a pinch of hurt in her voice. Kranti bows her head down and answered her.

KRANTI- I am just trying to make everyone feel normal Sumitra..

Sumitra closed her eyes and sighed a heavy breath.

SUMITRA- but everything is not normal didi..

Kranti looks at her getting amused while Sumitra continued.

SUMITRA- I am not hurting you. Please don't feel other way.. but whatever you are trying to do.. no one is going to accept that.

Sumitra showed her the truth making Kranti to worry now. It was festival and whatever she wants to do is for her bahus but Sumitra is also right. No one is going to entertain her.

KRANTI- but.. ye sab to rasmein hai Sumitra. If not me, then you can perform this..

Said Kranti keeping her hand on Sumitra's shoulder. Sumitra thinks looking at other side while Kranti continued.

KRANTI- whatever I did.. it can't change the fact that Siya is my eldest bahu. And she deserves all this..

Sumitra looks at her and found her words and eyes to be genuine. Kranti request her by smiling lightly while Sumitra nods in acceptance. Their conversation got interrupted by Kranti's cellphone. Both of them looks at her cellphone to find Mandira calling. Kranti and Sumitra looks at each other, Sumitra in anger while Kranti feeling apologetic. Sumitra nods in disbelief and gets up to leave from there, keeping Kranti alone. Kranti sighed and answered her phone call.

KRANTI- hello..

Kranti said in a low voice, not literally willing to have a talk with her.

MANDIRA- hello Kranti.. how are you doing.?

Asked an excited Mandira while Kranti bows her head down.

KRANTI- nothing special masi.. you tell me..

BOOK 1 "𝐻𝑢𝑚 𝑆𝑎𝑎𝑡ℎ 𝑆𝑎𝑎𝑡ℎ 𝐻𝑎𝑖․!" 𝐴 𝑚𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑛 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦Where stories live. Discover now