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Siya opens her heavy eyes, the weight which she was feeling, was because of the continuous tears. The tears has made her eyes puffy, red and heavy. The very first thing she saw when she opened her eyes at its full is the open window of her room from where the morning sunlight was making its way inside. She took few moments to completely get out of her sleep, after which she got up from her sleeping position. Her eyes immediately travelled to her right side on the bed, that is Ram's side of the bed, and found it vacant. The uncreased bedsheet indicates that Ram didn't sleep there the last night. The last moment of the night Siya remembered was when she was waiting for Ram at the dinning table, after which she fallen into sleep. And directly opened her eyes now in the morning, to find her sleeping peacefully on the bed. She knows Ram is the one who has brought her in their room. She felt a relief somewhere, atleast he is still caring for her, he is not that hurt that he will not even mind her presence. Siya immediately uncovered herself by removing the blanket from her and put her feet down on the floor. She quickly wears her footwear and moves towards the direction of the washroom to check for Ram. Though she didn't hear any water sound from the tap, still she opened the door to check for his presence inside and found the washroom vacant.

SIYA- niche honge.

She said to herself and immediately moved towards the bed again to take her "dupatta" which was lying near the pillow. She wrapped the piece of cloth around her neck and started leaving the room to check for Ram around the palace.

Siya descend down the staircase for the second time now. She has done that before ten minutes, to check for Ram but when she didn't found him, Siya again moved upstairs to confirm his presence in other rooms. She travelled her eyes around the whole living area and started moving towards the dinning table when she heard Urmila calling her name.

URMILA- dii..

Siya stopped in the midway and turns towards the staircase from where Urmila was running towards her.

URMILA- you're fine.?

Asked Urmila as she took the hold of Siya's both the hands.

The previous day was literally a very bad one for the girls, they were so busy to pacify their husbands that they didn't checked with each other for once. Though in the morning Manvi, Urmila and Shruti have asked each other about their well-being, but they didn't witnessed Siya anywhere. They had assumed that she must be sleeping and taking rest and they were true, Siya was having her sleep in her room.

SIYA- Urmila, tumhare jiju kaha hai.?

Siya didn't answered Urmila's question, rather cross questioned her with her own one.

SIYA- I am not able to find him anywhere.

Urmila narrowed her eyes for a moment as she saw Siya looking around the whole area with her searching eyes.

SIYA- room me to nahi hai. Terrace, garden, study, he is no where. Kaha chale gaye itni subah.?

Siya finally motioned her eyes towards Urmila, after she completes her whole sentence. Urmila gulped looking at her expressions which showcased that Siya is unknown about Ram's presence. Siya's trembling words itself gave Urmila the answer for her question which she has asked Siya, about her wellbeing.

URMILA- dii, jiju to.. office gaye hai.

Urmila revealed about Ram's whereabouts and found Siya to look at her feeling surprised. Siya immediately shook her head sideways.

SIYA- no. He was not supposed to visit office for few days.

Siya denied to believe Urmila, as Ram and the boys had already told them that they are going to work from home for few days.

BOOK 1 "𝐻𝑢𝑚 𝑆𝑎𝑎𝑡ℎ 𝑆𝑎𝑎𝑡ℎ 𝐻𝑎𝑖․!" 𝐴 𝑚𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑛 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦Where stories live. Discover now