Chapter 13: Miss Me?

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Samara's POV
Once I reached my house, I hopped out of my car and skipped to the front door with maybe a little but too much of joy. As you could probably guess, I'm still all giddy from both of the boys hanging out with me during detention. Although I don't really know why I'm happy about Spencer being mad at me, like I might have a huge crush on him, but I just don't even know it yet. Jace, well, he's Jace. I unlocked my front door and practically hopped to the kitchen. Holden was standing there with a growl on his face, until I appeared, he put on a smile, but then went back to growling.

"Where have you been?!" He hissed.

"Sor- sorry." I sputtered out.

"Ok. Ok. That was harsh, sorry." He put his head down in shame.

"Where have you been?" He tries again, raising his head and not so loudly.

"Sorry. It's just I got stuck in detention with Spencer and this annoying, but slightly nice new kid named Jace. Wow! That was a mouthful!" I spat out.

"Oh ok." He said so simply. Wait? What didn't he get even the slight bit mad?

"Why didn't you you get the slightest bit mad? I mean I just came from detention." I quirked my eyebrow, saying my thoughts out loud.

"Well, Spencer seems like a good enough kid, so I trust that he'll take care of you." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Oh. Ok." I nodded my head slowly understanding what he meant.

"Anyways, where are mom and dad?" I questioned, although I didn't really care. I mean what kind of teenager wants to be stuck with their parents in a boring house with nothing to do?

"Mom is working and dad is out at a business dinner." He answered.

"Ok. Well, I think I'm going to go upstairs and start my homework." I tugged at my backpack strap and started working my way up the stairs to my room.

Once I reached my room, I slid my backpack off and tossed it at the end of my bed, on the floor, stripped out of my clothes, changed into my pjs and literally jumped onto my bed, face down, so that I landed onto my bed like a fluffy marshmallow. I did my best to take a breath and then flipped around, staring at my ceiling. On my ceiling there was a huge poster of the Saved by The Bell cast. What can I say, I love that show. Once I sat up, I looked around my room, just scanning the walls, bored out of my mind. I stopped once I reached my favorite poster of all, Zach Morris and Kelly Kapowski kissing. They were the cutest couple ever! I could feel my eyes getting heavier by the minute and grabbed my phone to set a timer for 30 ,minutes so I could take a nap. It didn't take long after for me to fall asleep.

Ring Ring Ring! My timer rang.
I moved my hand over to my phone and clicked restart for my timer to go another 30 minutes.

*Samara's dreams*
What the feathers?! Where am I? This isn't my parents house! Why am I in somebody's kitchen, cutting some veggies?!

"Hi honey! I'm home!" Somebody's manly voice, echoed throughout this house.

"Who is it?!" I started to grab a knife, considering I was in the kitchen.

"It's me honey." The man chuckled. Huh? The man's chuckle sounded all too familiar.

"Who are you? I don't know where I am!" I started to crouch behind the kitchen counter.

Suddenly, the kitchen door burst open and I sucked in a breath, covering my mouth with my hand.

"Honey, Samara?" The man said my name! He knows who I am! What the actual cheese crackers?!

"Huh?" He opened the door and walked out.

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