Chapter 8: Home Sweet Home

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Samara's POV
Holden and I sadly got home after a long drive. The moments between Spencer and I are still on replay in my mind. The time we were next to each other in bed, the way he comforted me, the way he kissed me.

I know I'm falling for him and I just-- I wish I knew the way he felt about me. How the fufk would Spencer Healy actually fall for a girl like me?

"Hello? Earth to Samara."

"Oh sorry Holden. I was in deep thought."

"Yeah I noticed. Look we should talk before we get in the house."

"Okay "

Holden and I walked up to our front porch and sat onto the steps. He looked into my eyes and had that look he always had when he was worried and was being way overprotective.

"You and Spencer need to be careful. I know I'm not one to be a parent and I'm younger but I'm still your brother and family always protects those that they love."

"Awww is wittle Holden becoming a softy."

"Haha very funny, but I'm serious Mar. I know Spencer and I don't want you getting hurt."

"Everyone keeps saying that but does anyone actually know Spencer Healy?" I snapped unintentionally.

"No but I don't want to see you hurt again like from what happened with L--

"Don't you dare go there."

"I-- I'm sorry I shouldn't have gone there."

"Yeah Holden. You really shouldnt have. I'll be in the house."

I pulled my luggage inside and hugged my mom and dad. I pulled away and sighed at the previous moment and because my bags weigh a ton!

"How was the trip honey?" My mom said, oblivious of what happened two seconds ago.

"Great! We had lots of fun!!" I forced a smile.

"Where's Holden?" Dad asked. Jeez, does no one know that I'm faking my happiness right now, what a horrible, mean family.

"Outside probably."

"Probably?!" They both said in unison.

We all walked outside and didn't see Holden. I started to freak out. What if this was my doing? Did I get too mad where he thought he should run away?

I heard noises come from around the corner so I went into the house quickly and grabbed the metal bat. Excuse me for being safe.

I ran outside past my parents not caring If the person around the corner had a gun. All I could think of was my brothers safety and I would die without him.

"Holden?" I said tightening my grip on the bat to be ready.

"Is that her?" I heard a familiar voice but I couldn't make it out. I approached the voice a little more and then heard Holden.

"Mar, run! Run as fast-- Ahhh!"

"Shut up!" I heard it again. It couldn't be him I realized. It can't be his voice, he's been dead since forever.


"Go home!" Holden yelled louder.

"I said shut up!!" The voice said again.

A silhouette came from the shadows and I knew it was him. I was wondering where my parents were at the moment but didn't care that much, only about my brother currently.

"Well isn't it the poor, sweet, little Samara I knew before." It was him, it was Luca.

I could feel the hatred rising up and my heart speeding faster than light. I could hear my breathing becoming faster and heavier.

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