Chapter 9: Keenan and Jazmine Part one

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Jazmine's POV
I woke up to the sound of a loud, groggy snore. I turned my head around, and saw the most beautiful person in the world.

"Morning Kee-bear." I smiled, him opening his eyes, and sitting up for a yawn.

Oh let me tell you, he had gorgeous bed head, and oh gosh, he was shirtless. I couldn't help, but to stare.

"Whatcha looking at sweet checks?!" He grinned.

"Only the most gorgeous person on earth." I said without any hesitation.

"Huh? Same goes for me." He winked.

Oh geez, so when I say flirtatious things to him, I don't blush, but when he says flirty things to me, I have to blush. Grrrr! I pulled my hair in front of my face, and pulled my knees to my face.

"Awww! Is my 'lil Jazy blushing?!" He asked cutely(like talking to a puppy), and pulled my knees out of my face, then pulled my hair out my face. So I had to shield myself with my hands. I quickly cupped my face with my hands. He once again pulled my hands off of my face, and held them down by grabbing my wrists.

"I think that you look adorable Jazy!" He smiled.

"Really?!" I grinned adorably, like a baby girl waiting for her candy.

"Yes! I love how I can effect you like that. It makes me feel special." He exclaimed.

"Aw, but Keenan, you aren't special!" I smiled evilly. He made a pouty face, but then made a huge evil grin.

"You look hot when you're feisty!" He winked.

"Ah! Keenan! You weirdo!" I grabbed a pillow and smacked him on the head.

"Haha! I was just kidding." He laughed.

"Wait? What?" I said sadly.

He didn't think I was hot?! I mentally cried, and almost felt like crying in real life too.

"You are hot, but I didn't mean it in the wrong way? I just like to joke around with you." He smiled sheepishly.

"You're so mean." I made a pouty face, and turned away, but grinned evilly, while walking away.

Keenan's POV
|The night before|

Once Spencer dropped me off at home, I pulled out my phone to text Jazmine.

To: My baby Jazy❤️
From: Keenan
Hey gorgeous! I was wondering if you wanted to hang out?!

A minute later I got a text back.

From: My baby Jazy❤️
To: Keenan
Ya, sure! Come over!

As soon as I finished reading the text, I grabbed my sports bag, grabbing extra clothes, and throwing them in the bag. I hopped into my car, and started the engine.

When I reached her house, I jumped out of my car, literally jumped, and walked to the door. Once I knocked on the door, 30 seconds later, a huge smile reached my face when Jazmine appeared at the door, with a white crop too with some words on it, some black sports shorts, a backwards cap, and some brown Uggs. I inwardly smiled, and then put it on my face for real, greeting her. I realized that I basically checked her out, so when I looked up, I saw a huge blush creeping up on her cheeks. So I laughed and she hid her face from me, thinking I wouldn't notice her blush. She's so adorable. Once she let me in, I immediately checked her house out. It was a modern kind of house, with white walls surrounding the house.

"Hey Keenan!" Jazmine smiled, and finally killed the silence.

"Hey babe!" I smiled back, and gave her a small wave.

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