Chapter 30: The Plan

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Samara's POV
Once Jace dropped me off at my house, I went to my room and decided on what outfit to wear to the fair. I decided to go with a white crop top, some black leggings, my slip-on Vans, and tied a grey sweatshirt around my waist, just in case it got cold. Walking back downstairs, I went to sit on the couch next to Jace, realizing that I had to break up with him.

"Hey." Jace said, not adding the 'beautiful' like he usually does.

"Hi." I said quietly.

"Can we talk?" We both said.

"You go." He told me.

"Ok, well, um... I think that we should breakup, but it's not because of you! I think that I have-" I started.

"Feelings for Spencer?" Jace continued on for me.

"Yes? How'd you know?" I looked at him confused.

"I see the way you look at him and the way he looks at you. It's so obvious. Don't worry, I'm not mad. I do still want to be friends with you." Jace said word-vomiting.

"Oh, ok. Good because you're a great friend to me!" I said happily and we exchanged smiles.

Just as we finished our conversation, the doorbell rang, causing me to get up off the couch. I walked to the door and opened it up to the sight of Spencer, the one and only. The one who I had feelings for. He looked amazing and mouth-watering.

"Um, hi, hi, hi Spencer." I mentally slapped myself.

"Hi Samara." He gave me a questionable look.

"Come on in." I motioned him to come in.

"He probably thinks I'm such an idiot!" I thought to myself.

"Ok then." He walked in and went to where Jace was.

"Soooo..." I said awkwardly walking back into the room.

Thank god the doorbell rang again. I raced up off my seat and ran to the door.

"Yay! Hi Jazmine!" I said loudly.

"Hi to you too!" She shouted back and laughed.

"You look pretty." I commented her outfit which consisted of some high-waisted jeans, a white 'Indie' looking crop top, her black shades and some brown boots. You could visibly see her belly piercing, making me kind of wish I has one, but oh well.

"So do you!" She laughed.

"Let's go guys!" I shouted to Jace and Spencer in the other room.

"Ok, coming." They both said.

"So who's going with who?" I asked.

"I'll take Jazmine, Spencer and I." Keenan said.

"That leaves, you, and Jace together." Jazmine pointed out the obvious.

"Ok." I said agreeing, but sooner or later I have to talk with Spencer.

Once we all got in the cars, we drove off to the fair.
"Samara, you should just tell him." Jace tried persuading me to tell Spencer my feelings.

"I did, but I told him that I liked him. Liked!" I pointed out.

"I know, but tell him again, but this time, time him you LIKE him." Jace explained.

"I don't know?" I said unsure.

"Just do it at the fair. Here, I'll even help you out. Do it on the Ferris wheel. I'll say that I get sick on that ride and skip it, leaving you and Spencer together." He tried helping.

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