Chapter 20: Phineas and Ferb

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Samara's POV
A couple minutes after I got showered up and put my pjs on, I headed downstairs and decided to make some lunch. I was going to make some ramen for myself, until Spencer walked into the kitchen and practically ordered me to make him some too.
Ok, maybe not ordered, but it sounded like this.

"Ooooo! You're making ramen! Could you please make me some too?!" He squealed like a little girl.

"Sure." I rolled my eyes at his childness.

"I saw that missy." He gave me a playful glare.

"Just shut up and let me make lunch." I chuckled.

"Ok." He grabbed a seat at the island counter and sat down.

His eyes were following my every move as if I was doing a magic trick.

In reality, I was just boiling some water and standing there waiting for the water to bubble.

"Are you gonna do something or just watch me?" I said sarcastically.

"Oh, I'm fine right here princess." He winked.

"Do you have something wrong with your eye cause you're always twitching." I smirked and started to hear the water bubble, so I turned around and grabbed the bag of ramen and dumped it in the pot.

"Nope! My eye is perfectly fine!" He gave me a cheeky smile.

"Ok, sure." I laughed.

After stirring the ramen for three minutes, I turned off the oven and dumped the packet mix into the ramen and stirred that in. Then I put the ramen into two bowels and gave one to Spencer, who was still sitting there. He took a bite right away and moaned.

"Well, I wonder how my ramen is! I mean if you're moaning, that must mean it's horrible!" I said sarcastically and chuckled.

"It's sooo yummy!" Spencer squealed for the second time this morning and then moaned.

"Chill. You're having a little too much love for the ramen." I shook my head.

"It's like a foodgasim in my mouth!" He moaned yet again.

My eyes popped open and my mouth hung wide open. Only Spencer would say something that weird, but strangely, it was still cute the way he said it.

"What the feathers did you just say?!" My mouth still agape.

"It's. A. Foodgasim. In. My. Mouth." He said, like he was talking to a child and stared me directly in the eyes.

"Oh my gosh Spence! I'm not two!" I slapped him upside the head.

"First off, ow! Second, what?! It is!" He pouted.

"Ewww! You're so weird!" I stuck my tongue out.

"And you're childish. What's your point?" He retorted back.

"Dang! I gotta give you credit for that one. That was real subtle." I put a thumbs up.

"Thank you." He grinned.

"Anyways, why would you say foodgasim? I mean, you could have just said that it was really good." I gave him a weird look.

"Cause it was a foodgasim. There's no other words to describe it." He simply explained and shrugged.

"Ok, let's just move on." I waved my hand in the air.

"Fine with me." He chuckled at my hand motions.

It then was really silent for two minutes, until I decided to speak.

"Soooo... What do you have planned for the rest of the day?" I hesitantly spoke.

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