Chapter 5: Wave After Wave

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Spencer's POV
I can't, I can't even believe what's going on right now! Samara and I, our-- our lips are touching. I pulled back shocked and we rested our foreheads against each others.

"Can I tell you something while you're not really you right now?"

"Yeah." She said, still breathing hard.

"I think your beautiful and I might be falling for you, but I don't want to end up breaking you, because you're different and unique, in a good way. Samara Salvatore, you're not like any other girl I know!"

"Anyways, you're drunk so, I think I need to get you out of here." Just then, someone yelled for us to come out.

She walked out and ran away from me, towards the stairs. She ran up the stairs while people yelled, "Oooooo!"

I chased after her and we found ourselves both looking into each others eyes in her room. She grabbed my shirt and pushed me onto the bed where I fell on my back.

She kissed me and I couldn't resist kissing her back. I kissed her even more and accidentally gave her a hickey that was really noticeable on her shoulder.

She laid on top of me starting to unzip her dress, but I pushed her onto the side of me and pulled the blanket from underneath her to cover her body. As much as I liked her, I wasn't about to violate her and take advantage of her at her weakest.

She fell asleep in minutes when I turned off the lights and closed her door. I went downstairs to see Jazmine about to do something stupid. She was with a guy on the couch straddling him and making out with him. Samara would hate me even more if I didn't stop Jazmine.

"Jazmine!" I said trying to yell loud enough with the music blasting.


"Your going to regret this tomorrow so get off of him!"

"Your not the boss of me, besides he's my boyfriend!"

"What about Keenan?"

"This is Keenan!"

I took a even better look and there was Keenan, drunk. How did I not notice that it was Keenan. Here I was, bad boy of the school, being the babysitter.

I went into the kitchen and chugged a beer. I needed to let loose, and relax.


The world was spinning and I had this tight feeling in my gut. Everyone's faces were a blur and all I could think about was Samara. I can't get her out of my mind and it's driving me nuts.

I nearly dropped to the floor when Holden came out of nowhere and picked me up. I hated how I needed someone to help me, because I only need my help.

"Let me go!"

"Dude, you don't look so good. I'm trying to help!"

"Let. Me. Go." I said aggrivated.

I walked outside to take a deep breath while people annoyingly glared at me. It really amazed me about how much audacity these people had.


The next morning I woke up with my shirt off, with only my boxers on and I was sitting in the Jacuzzi. What the hell happened last night, I don't even know.

Last thing I remember, I was kissing Samara, then bringing to her bed and then the rest is a big black hole. There is no memory there.

I went to the side of the pool and grabbed a towel. I wrapped it around my waist and ran my hand through my hair trying to dry it. I went into the kitchen and bumped into Samara. Talk about awkward.

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