Chapter 29: Jealous?

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Samara's POV
Today I was happier to be waking up for school because it was a Friday! I decided to go for a more dressed up-casual look and wore a grey wool sweater, a white skater skirt, and some white slip on Vans. Adding some white pearl earrings and some light makeup, I was ready to walk out the door. Today, Jace apparently "called me today" and was the person who was able to take me to school.

"Hurry up Mar! Jace is at the door!" Holden shouted form downstairs.

"Ok, I'm coming!" I said, rushing down the stairs.

"Whoa there! Don't trip, beautiful." Jace chuckled at me.

"I'm ready, let's go!" I grabbed ahold of Jace's arm and tugged him out the door, waving goodbye to Holden.

Once we were in the car, I took this moment to check out Jace's outfit, which consisted of a regular grey tee, some blue jeans, and a blue cap. He had on some black high top Converse and his blue eyes just popped out to me, like an ocean. You could just swim in his eyes forever and ever.

"Samara?" Jace asked me, bringing me back to planet, not Jace's blue eyes.

"Yeah, what's up?" I answered.

"We're just sitting in the school parking lot. Do you want to move now, or?" He tried to hide his laughter.

"Yes, let's go." I huffed.

Once we walked to my locker, I unloaded my textbooks and took the ones I needed. We heard some voices coming from behind us. One belonged to Jazmine, and another to Keenan. I quickly ran up to hug Jazmine, whereas Keenan and Jace did that "bro hug" thing. Jazmine was wearing a white shirt, some black leggings, some black heels, and some body chains, while Keenan wore an undershirt, a sweater with the number 15 on it, and some black jeans with black Vans. We all talked for a little bit at our lockers, until the bell rang. Starting to walk to class, I knew we would yet again be passing "his" locker, so I tried to ignore it. My plan was working perfectly fine until I noticed something different today at his locker. Today, a girl had him pushed up against his locker, the two of them making out. He was gripping her butt with his hands and they looked like they were sucking eachother's faces off. Is he fricking kidding me?! What a dick! First, he tried to get us together and then the next day, he's seen making out either another girl. Unbelievable! I snorted, which caused Jace to glance down at me, considering we were holding hands.

"What's up?" He asked me, confused.

"Nothing." When I said that though, I quickly glanced over at Spencer and his slut and then looked back ahead of me.

"Are you jealous?" Jace asked me, clearly he saw me stare.

"Jealous of what?" I asked obliviously.

"Spencer and Megan?" He pointedly looked towards the two making out.

"Wait, that's Megan?" I said, trying to keep my voice steady.

"Yeah, jealous?" He asked me curiously.

"Of course not! I have you and besides, I didn't even notice them until you pointed them out." I lied and shrugged my shoulders.

"Sureeeee!" He said, untrusting.

"It's true!" I smacked his shoulder playfully and we laughed.

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