Chapter 37: Prom

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Samara's POV
Today was the day. Yeah, I think you guys know what I mean. Prom. After school had finally passed, today was the day! Today's the day that I get to see Spencer in a suit, which was probably not going to got be healthy for my emotions, but oh well. Jazmine would be coming over later today so we could get ready together. Yeah, I know, girls! Currently it was 10 am and I lie in my bed staring at my ceiling with my mouth in a wide smile, gathering all my thoughts. Deciding that I should probably get out of bed, I threw off my blankets and sat up. Some mornings I'll put my phone into my speaker, blast music and dance around. This would be one of them. Plugging my phone into the speaker, I blasted "Do It" by Nelly Furtado. I started to spin around and sing along in my room. Suddenly my door bursts open and an annoyed looking Holden came in.

"Hi what's up?" I shouted over the music.

"Could you be quiet? Some of us are still sleeping." He pointed out to me.

"Sorry, I'm just really happy." I turned down the music and laughed at his messy hair that was sticking up all over the place.

"Ok, well can you be happy a little quieter?" He was speaking incoherent sentences since he was so tired which made me chuckle.

"Sure." I told him and he walked out rubbing his eyes tiredly.

My volume lower now, I continued playing the song and danced around.

Getting tired from dancing around too much, I collapsed onto my bed with a sigh and a smirk. Maybe I should get a little more sleep since the prom would be really long. Relaxing my body and closing my eyes, I eventually fell asleep again, cuddling my pillow.
Opening my heavy eyelids, I blinked them furiously to get my eyes adjusted to the light. Rolling into my Sid win my bed, I checked the time which read 12:20. Yay! Time for lunch! Getting out of my bed, I rushed over to Holden's room and burst in.

"Holden! Time for lunch!" I shook him awake.

"Ok, ok." He groaned and sat up.

"I'll go make us some grilled cheese." I told him and laughed at his tired face, which me at his eyes were crinkled and his hair was tossed upon his head in different directions.

"Sounds good." His morning voice agreed.

Climbing off his bed, I went to the stairs and walked down to make us lunch. Walking into the kitchen, I found Janzine sitting in one of our stools, eating some Mac n' Cheese.

"Jazmine? What the hell are you doing here?" I said in a state of shock.

"What does it look like? I'm eating." She responded.

"Yes, thank you captain obvious! I meant why are you in my house?" I asked her.

"Well, aren't we getting ready here?" She asked me.

"Yeah, but I thought you me at later?" I asked her confused.

"Yeah, but u gut hungry and so yeah." She explained while continuing to eat.

"Only you Jazmine." I laughed and shook my head.

She shrugged her shoulders in response. Ignoring her presence, I continued on with making Holden and I lunch. Grabbing the bread and some American cheese, I placed it in a pan and made the sandwiches. After 5 minutes, they were both ready and Holden has made his way downstairs.

"What are you doing here Jazmine?" Holden rubbed his eyes, almost as if he was trying to make sure she was actually there.

"Eating." She replied and laughed at his current state he was in.

"Ok." He answered and looked down at his plate of food and smiled.

Sitting down at the table, Holden and I started to eat our lunch. After finishing our food, we all awkwardly just looked around and stared at each other.

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