Chapter 24: Angrily Ranting

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There will be no sex in this chapter, but there will be some scenes where Luca will feel and bite Samara's breasts, so feel free to skip those parts!

Samara's POV
By now it must've been 12 am and I couldn't get to sleep. No shock there right? What if "he" were to do something to me while sleeping? I'm good! Anyways, I've also been up because I'm trying to think about what Jazmine meant by "You're lucky Jace fell asleep or there'd be competition to talk to her". Is that supposed to mean that they're fighting over me?! Oh no! I don't guys fighting over me! Spencer only sees me like a sister, so maybe he's just being overprotective? After a lot more thinking, I somehow fell asleep.

"Rise and shine babe!" I heard Luca bursting through the door.

Dang it! I was hoping this was all a bad dream and that I'd be home again.

"We're gonna have some fun today babe." Luca gave me a smirk and started to unchain me from the ground.

What's he doing?

"Don't even think of running cause I will stab you." He growled.

"I wasn't." I said trying to be calm.

"Good girl." He retorted.

After he dropped the chains back on the ground, he grabbed my wrist and started dragging me up the stairs to what seemed like a bedroom. He then used a pair of handcuffs and chained me to the bed.

"Now, let's have some fun." He smirked again.

"Whatever you're planning to do, don't do! I'm on my period! I can't have sex!" I shouted.

"Really babe? Fine, we'll just mess around then." He smiled creepily.

"But I need some lady products!" I shouted again, trying to stop whatever he wanted to do.

"I'll get those later." He said, lifting my shirt and rubbing my stomach.

His hands were so cold and made me feel uneasy under his touch. I don't like where this is going.
Spencer's POV
"Hurry up Holden!" I yelled at him from the backseat of his car.

"I'm going as fast as I can!" He shouted back.

"Guys calm down. We know where she is and that's good!" Jazmine tried to calm us down.

"Yeah, but who the fuck knows what he's gonna try and do with her?!" I yelled in frustration.

With just those words, he started to hit the gas pedal a bit harder.

"20 more minutes until we're in Beverly Hills." Holden said.

"Guys, I don't what our plan is, but we'll have to stay at a hotel until somehow Samara will contact us again so we can get the address, or I don't know what?" Keenan added.

Yeah, we got so excited that she was talking to us that we forgot to look at the address. We're bad friends, I know. I feel so guilty and sick to my stomach knowing that we have to wait for another call in order to "full-on locate her".

"Oh god, I hope Samara is safe." Jace mumbled to himself.

"She's strong. She'll be ok." I said understanding exactly how he felt.

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