Face the Storm

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Illeana and Cedric recognised the voices and hustle of the ministry.

They figured it was safe and started heading towards the campsite, with their wands steadily by their side.

"Hey, you're bleeding. " She said out of the blue and stopping him.

As she took a look at his face she realised that he had an eerily perfect face.

His hair also looked extremely fluffy.

She was half tempted to ask him which shampoo he used but she figured that could wait until they weren't in a near death situation.

Cedric touched his nose and sure enough, he was bleeding.

She assumed he didn't even feel the pain, due to the disarray and the adrenaline of the situation that they were in.

"Here, let me. " Illeana removed her wand and chanted 'Episkey' to treat his nose which looked a bit out of place before she healed it.

"Ow- " he yelped as the spell was painful at first. But he quickly got used to the surroundings and apprehensively smiled at her.

"Uh, thank you-thank you so much" he said as he scratched his neck looking down at the ground, instead of making eye contact with Illeana

" What are you looking at the bloody ground for ?Are you... nervous? "

"It's just, you're Illeana Kasatkina. Quidditch Captain, the youngest player in the history of the World Cup to win. I mean I just saw you as a part of the Irish Quidditch Team , winning the World Cup. And now, you're standing in front of me. It is kind of surreal really -"

"Whoa whoa whoa, you're selling yourself short there, Diggory. I could say the same about you. Prefect, Quidditch Captain, Golden Boy" Illeana smirked as she said the last part making him laugh too.

"Besides, I'm not as cool as the papers make me out to be. I'm MUCH cooler."

Cedric burst out laughing, grateful at the ice between them being broken slowly.

"So, wh-" Cedric was about to ask her a question when a plump man, with glasses stumbled upon them.

"Cedric, are you okay my son? Your nose looks a bit wound out. And who's this-IT CAN'T BE ILLEANA KASATKINA?! " Cedric's father almost bellowed in Illeana's face.

"Hello Sir, and unfortunately, it is me" she replied half heartedly, already done with this night and the fame it had started to garner her. She also felt true sympathy for her eardrums .

"What are you doing here, if you don't mind me asking? I figured you would already be back home. "

"I got split off from my group and since I can't legally apparate, I had to hide out here, in the forest. "

"Oh well, if you don't mind, me and Cedric could help you back home. Let's get out of the woods first though"

Illeana was overjoyed.

Her bones were aching at this point and all she wanted to do was go home.
She nodded vigorously.


s it turns out, they wouldn't need Amos Diggory to apparate her as the moment they reached the clearing they stumbled upon a familiar face.

"Illeana? "

"Aunt Genie?!"

She ran towards her aunt, relieved at finally seeing a familiar face when her aunt suddenly took out a wand.

"Wait! What's the name of my favorite album? "

"Aunt Genie, what's the matter?! "

"Just answer the question Illeana! "

" Voulez-Vous by ABBA! "

As soon as Aunt Genie heard my answer, she ran towards me and wrapped her hands around me pulling me into a right hug while checking for injuries.

"I'm sorry kiddo, I just had to make sure it was you. " she whispered into my ears as we hugged.

Mr. Diggory and Cedric stepped forward and I quickly introduced them to Aunt Genie. They were both (by the looks on their faces) aware of her and a bit in awe.

"Thank you so much for helping Illeana, both of you, truly. You don't need to take her home, I've got her from here "

"Well, that's me. I can't thank you enough for helping me out Mr. Diggory. It really means a lot. " Illeana said to Cedric's father as Cedric looked at her, with his pleasant and annoyingly perfect smile.


Oh nonsense, it would be ridiculous if the Chaser of the winning team would be out there in the forest all by her loneself wouldn't it? Congratulations on the performance dear. No one would have believed that this is your first year on the National Team.  Anyway me and Cedric have to be off and go back to the main campsite, the Minister wouldn't be too pleased if I just disappeared. Goodbye, Ms Kasatkina and Ms Porskoff" Mr Diggory said to her as he prepared to apparate.

Cedric looked at her as he put his hands in his pockets, awkwardly looking at anything but Illeana's face.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye then. "

"Until school of course, don't think you're getting rid of me that easily Diggory" she said as she smirked at him

"Never, Kasatkina. " Cedric said as he put his hand in his fathers and apparated with a twinkle in his eye.

Illeana turned around and looked over to her aunt who was smirking at her.
"Oh please, I only ever talked to him today! "

"I didn't say anything dear" Aunt Genie smirked as she apparated us back to the house. As we walked over to the house, she turned to me and asked

"You ready to face the real storm? "

I sighed as I stepped inside the house preparing myself for an interrogation worthy of the CIA


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