Professor Mad Eye

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Illeana groaned as she woke up, she had slept at 2:30 am the previous night and desperately needed sleep

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Illeana groaned as she woke up, she had slept at 2:30 am the previous night and desperately needed sleep.

But unfortunately for her, Hogwarts didn't discriminate for her and her friends. She brushed her hair out, and headed down to breakfast along with Grace.

Once they reached the Great Hall,they spotted their friends and quickly tucked in alongside them. They were a little late today, as there were already many people there.

Illeana quickly applied butter on bread and dug in. The group was talking about their classes and discussing their schedules.

"Illeana? " Jelena mumbled quietly, taking effort to ensure she didn't attract attention. "Behind you at 11:30, Diggory's staring at you. "

She turned and spotted him, giving him a quick wave and smile before turning back to her friends smirking at her.

"What?! "

"So you and Cedric are together then? " Roger asked

"He literally just waved? "

"Yes, but it's the sentiments that count. "

"You also reached our dorm late last night."
Grace piped in, curious to know whether her best friend was actually dating anyone.

Illeana glared at Grace. She considered Grace her best friend, but damn did she know how to put her in the worst situations.

"You reached the dorm late? Never thought I'd live to see the day Illeana Roberts isn't punctual. " Jelena jibed playfully.

"I was just talking to Cedric. He's a very interesting human and I wanted to get to know him. That does NOT mean I like him or vice versa. "

"Illeana we believe you love. We were just surprised that you were talking to Cedric because he didn't seem like your type. " Anthony said kindly as he lifted his head from the book he was reading.

"What is my type, if you don't mind me asking? "




"Emotionally Shut Off. "

Illeana glared daggers at her friend and started chugging her glass of milk.

"Oh come on, " Jelena chuckled and slid over to Illeana, "we're just making fun, we know you don't like him."

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