Proposals, Proposals, Proposals

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Illeana was annoyed.

This was the fourth guy she had rejected.

These days,all anyone talked about was the Yule Ball. Even her and her friends couldn't resist talking about it,and found that their conversations usually steered towards the ball and what dresses they would be wearing,their hairstyle, their shoes and of course the one that came up most often, who would be their date to the ball.

Illeana had just rejected another guy, this time it was a buff Durmstrang boy who had asked her out infront of the entire school in the Great Hall during breakfast.

It had barely been a week since the news about the ball was made public and Illeana was finding herself constantly on the recieving end of proposals by people she didn't even know existed, to be frank.

It started with a boy named Seamus Finnigan and before she knew it, she had gotten asked out by people she had never even talked to.

But declining someone in front of the entire school,made her cheeks burn and also made her feel extremely bad.

She felt terrible but in her defence,no one should ever ask anyone out in public unless they're sure about the answer.

As the Durmstrang boy walked out of the Great Hall, Illeana could feel everyone's gazes on her.

She groaned and went to hit her head on the table but Anthony quickly placed his hand to stop the impact.

"Okay,enough of this ." Anthony said as Illeana looked up at him.

"What's up with the pity party? "

Illeana groaned as she started recounting the earlier day to the amusement of her friends.


“Hey, Illeana?” a Gryffindor junior asked Illeana as she was hurrying to her Advanced Potions class. It was the first class of the day and she was already late.

“Can this wait? I’m really not in the mood for detention.” Illeana answered

“This’ll only take a second, promise. Would you like to be my date for the ball?” He asked her, with a glimmer in his eyes

Illeana cringed at the prospect of letting the guy down. The worst part was she didn't know his name, luckily the book in his hand had a label with his name on it.

"I'm sorry....Seamus? but i kind of wanted to go with someone else. "

“Oh.. I see,” Illeana doesn’t miss the spark in his eyes dimming.

Bloody hell , this is tougher than she imagined.

“That’s alright, it was worth a shot.” He said, giving her a tight lipped smile as he quickly left.


Marcus Belby. Ravenclaw. Two years above Illeana.

He is the nephew of Damocles Belby, a celebrated Order of Merlin-awarded potioneer who in the last quarter of the 20th century, developed the Wolfsbane Potion, a potion that was able to relieve the effects of lycanthropy.

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