Meeting Skeeter

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Over the next few days, Illeana spent more time with Harry. She still hadn't told him their parents knew each other but she got to know him more.

The more she talked to him the sadder she felt for him.

He was just a kid and he had to grow up in a abusive household. He didn't deserve it.

She grew extremely protective of him.

Whether that was because of the situation he was in or because he simply reminded her of the brother she lost too early, she never questioned.

Some in the school were surprised when they saw the both of them hanging out with each other.

Many became more jealous of Harry for this.

Illeana was a popular girl and a crush for many people in the school.

Being with Illeana didn't exactly lower the glares Harry got, but he didn't care.

He had a genuine friend. He also knew Ron was quite surprised and jealous, even. He himself had a huge crush on Illeana for a long time and so seeing them sitting together at lunch made him quite annoyed.

Cedric wasn't surprised. He didn't know of Illeana's past that well but he knew that her parents had died during the War and that they were friends with the Potter's through his Dad.

He figured she would only talk about it when she was ready.

One thing was for sure, Cedric had a much better approach and outlook towards Harry now due to Illeana, compared to before.

When Harry's name was first announced,he was a little annoyed that it took all of his thunder. But now, after Illeana knocked much needed sense into him, he started encouraging his friends to be kinder towards Potter.

It worked for some but his words usually fell on deaf ears. Yet, it was the effort that counted.

On the other hand, the Ravenclaws were much nicer. They went out of their way to be nicer to Harry. It was quite endearing for Harry. He was still sad because his best friend wasn't talking to him but the amount of people sticking up for him now increased.


It was Friday. Illeana had just finished lunch and was walking to the library when she heard a noise.

Hermione was meandering,her eyes filled with tears. Illeana ran up to the Gryffindor

"Hermione?! What happened? "

She slowly took her hand off her mouth, as Illeana noticed and internally gasped.

"It was Malfoy. He called me a Mudblood and Harry got angry. They fired spells at each other but Malfoy's spell hit me instead. "

It wasn't a pretty sight. Hermione's front teeth - already larger than average - had reached her hips, she was looking more and more like a beaver.

Illeana felt terrible as Hermione let out another cry. She helped Hermione get up.

"Alright Hermione, first things first you need to stop crying. Let's take you to the Hospital Wing. Alright? "

Knowledge is Power / Cedric Diggory Where stories live. Discover now