Chapter 8

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I blinked my eyes open as the sun was slowly starting to rise. I rubbed my eyes turning around to see Drew sound asleep as I smiled at the sight. I reached for my phone off the night stand to check the time as it read 5:55am.

I wasn't surprised I woke up before the alarm as my body is used to doing that so I don't get scared by the sound. I turned fully over facing Drew as I leaned up to kiss him on the cheek.

He fluttered his eyes open as he groaned. "Well good morning to you too" I said laughing softly as I myself could barely keep my eyes open. "Don't tell me we have to get up" he said as I sat up in bed slowly yawning.

"Yea I have to take you to work otherwise I'd still be sleeping" I said as I tossed my hair up in a low messy bun as my eyes begged to be shut again.

"I think you where right yesterday it was a good idea we didn't stay up longer than we did" he said in his morning voice as I turned to him to see his eyes shut but a smirk appear on his face.

"Oh yea says the one who couldn't control his thing in his pants and sounded annoyed when it happened" I said laughing at the memory from last night.

"Hey I can't help it I'm attracted to you" he said as my heart skipped a beat. "Come on though seriously I have to take you to work and I don't want you to be late" I said as I got up walking to the bathroom connected to my room as I began my morning routine.

"You know having a bathroom connected to you room is a really good idea" he said as I peaked my head out the door seeing him smile at me from the bed. "Yea of course you'd say that" I said rolling my eyes and shaking my head as he laughed.

I spit out the extra toothpaste before rinsing my mouth. I placed an extra new toothbrush I keep just in case next to the sink leaving the toothpaste out for him.

"You're turn" I said walking out as his eyes were shut again. I slipped off my pajama shorts and got into sweats and a hoodie. Usually North Carolina mornings are slightly cold something I'll never understand.

"Come on Drew seriously" I said pulling the covers off him. As he turned around grabbing me by my arm as he pulled me on top of him wrapping his arms around me tightly so I couldn't move.

"would've never guessed your a morning person" he said softly as I laughed. "I'm not Drew I just don't want you to be late" I said as I lifted my head up to look up at him.

"If you gave me a good morning kiss maybe I would've gotten up faster" he said smirking as I shook my head. "Brush your teeth first" I said as he moved his arms letting go of me so I could get up again.

He sat up with tired eyes as he looked at me smiling. "What?" I said as he stood up running his fingers through his messy hair. "You're cute" he said as he walked into the bathroom. I put a baseball cap on and put my hood over my head. As I walked out of the room and into the kitchen.

"Good morning" Austin said as I jumped looking over in the living room as him and Franky stood up. "Goodness you scared the shit out of me" I said as they walked over laughing.

"Took you both long enough to get ready" Austin said as Drew walked out of my room with sweats a sweater and did the same thing I did with a baseball cap on and a hood over.

"Yea you guys are definitely meant to be" Franky said looking at our outfits as Drew smiled at me. She grabbed the keys off the counter walking out with Austin as Drew and I followed closely behind to the car.

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