Chapter 19

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It began to get really busy at the diner, both Franky and I running around like chickens with there head cut off busing and serving tables. To say that I completely lost track of time would be an understatement when I saw Drew walk in the diner all dressed up for our date tonight.

"You almost done?" He said as he leaned on the bar counter as I billed out another guest on the register to print out there receipt. "It's going to be a little bit, but we're still going on the date if you want to wait" I said smiling at him as he nodded taking a seat.

The bell rang from the kitchen signaling that food was ready to be taken out as I saw Franky widen her eyes in exhaustion as I did the same before leaving the counter to walk to my table. "Take your time, if theres anything else I can get you please let me know" I said as I set the bill on the table as the small family looked up at me thanking me as they continued finishing there meal.

I turned around to walk back to the counter as I saw Drew no longer sitting by the bar. Confused, but no time to think about it. I continued making my way into the kitchen to check on Grandma and Grandpa. "What are you doing?!" I said raising my eyebrows as I saw Drew laughing tying an apron around his waist. "I'm helping out" He said smiling as i looked around for Grandma and Grandpa.

"Oh absolutely not, my grandparents don't even freaking know you are you insane" I said grabbing his hand and pushing him in a quieter spot in the kitchen as he laughed grabbing my arms. "Shay it's fine I just met your Grandma I was the one who asked if I could help out, I told her we had a date tonight" he said as I gasped looking up at him as I grabbed my head.

"a mess this is a mess a disaster they're going to kill me because I didn't freaking introduce you properly yet to them" I said hitting him softly in the arm as he laughed again. "Hey lets get to work you two" Grandmas voice echoed in the kitchen as Drew nodded his head walking ahead of me as he turned around giving me a wink before heading out into the diner.

I panicked, heres a guy who has never served a table let alone taken an order, he has no idea what he's doing we're going to be here longer I thought as I started towards the exit of the kitchen. "Hey miss lady" My grandma said stopping me in front of the door as I turned around seeing her hands on her hips as she smiled at me but tried to be serious.

"I want you to come over for dinner sometime this week with Drew because this is not how I want to meet him" She said smiling as I nodded nervously walking out of the kitchen. "He looks cute as a bus boy" Franky said smirking as she walked passed me into the kitchen with dirty dishes, leaving me standing in front of the door staring at Drew who was so focused on cleaning up the tables Franky and I could hardly get too.

A small smile on my face started to form at the sight as I made my way to the bar to greet the other customers who must of came in while I was in the kitchen. "Hello welcome in" I said clearing off the empty glasses in front of them quickly as I placed them in the bar sink.

"Shane?" One of them commented as I darted my head up to the direction my name came from. And in that moment I wanted to run, I wanted to hide, I never thought in a million years I'd be greeted by the same familiar brown eyes again after he left my life.

"Miles?" I said trying to pull a smile to hide all my other emotions. He was taller and still on the skinny side. His hair was still that soccer styled haircut back in high school. A pit in my stomach started to form when he smiled at me like he was excited for this unexpected reunion.

"I didn't think you'd be here?" He said questioning it almost as the guy next to him stayed silent watching this interaction unfold right before his eyes. "Well it is still my parents diner after all" I said laughing nervously as he smiled. "I couldn't even recognize you without your hair" He said "What can I get you both?" I said trying to cut the conversation short as they looked at the menu in front of them.

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