Chapter 35

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I blinked my eyes open to my dark room, moving Drews arm off me as my phone started to ring throughout the room. Grabbing it off the dresser I walked out of the room shutting the door softly behind me, knowing that he was already woken up by my phone.

"hello?" I said tiredly through the phone. "Hi Shay this is Doctor Santiago calling how are you?" He said as I scrunched my eyebrows walking to the living room. "I'm good, tired but good" I said as my heart started beating loudly as the nerves started rushing in.

"it can't be good because you're calling so late" I said softly as he sighed through the phone. "Well it's only good news I can assure you depending on how you take it though" he said.

"How I take it?" I said shaking my leg now as my throat started to ache. "We ran all the tests and everything came back normal" He said as I closed my eyes leaning against the couch letting out a breath I wasn't realizing I was holding.

"Now one thing I can say for the cause of the pain which this can happen but might sound weird. Is that spot had cancer before and having that absent is just in a way where your body is telling you something that it's not used to having. Does that make sense?" He asked.

"Yes kinda" I said softly. "Ok now when we were running the tests we did notice something I think you where unaware of" he said as I scrunched my eyebrows sitting up now.

"What is it?" I said getting impatient.

"Did you know you were pregnant?" He said as I gasped covering my mouth not to wake up Drew. "I'm pregnant?" I said softly through the phone placing my hand on my currently flat stomach.

"You are only 3 weeks in so you're not to far in but when we ran your blood tests it showed positive. Now I want to say congratulations and I can definitely meet with you soon to help you find a doctor that can help you through it all" he said as I pushed a smile through.

"Thank you I'll definitely be keeping in touch" I said, "well you have a good night shane and congratulations again for both the baby on the way and continuing to be cancer free" he said.

"Thank you" I said as we ended the call. I placed the phone on the table in front of me as I heard Drews footsteps looking up at him as he was leaning up against the wall with his gray sweats on and no shirt.

My eyes began to get glossy as he walked over to me. I stood up as he wrapped me into his arms. "Is it bad?" He said as I shook my head. "Cancer free still" I said as he moved my head to make me look at him.

"Why are you crying baby, this is good news" he said scrunching his eyebrows as he wiped under my eyes showering me with kisses making me laugh.

"I know I know it's just a little emotional because I got scared" I said as he smiled down at me.

"Nothing to be scared of Shay I'm here to scare it all away" he said as I smiled softly at him.


I woke up to the sun shining through the room windows turning around to see the bed empty beside me and voices in the kitchen. I groaned turning to my phone to which it read 11:15am.

I completely forgot that today Rudy and Elaine came back from New York, I didn't even check in with him to see how the trip was going feeling like an absolute horrible friend.

I got up tossing on sweats and a sweater and putting my hair in a messy bun, before walking to the bathroom to do the normal morning necessities. I walked out of the room and into the kitchen seeing Rudy and Drew laughing as they ate breakfast.

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