Chapter 17

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"Want to take a walk outside?" Drew asked leaning closer to my ear over the loud crowd by the bar. As I nodded watching the bar tender come to us with our drinks.

We smiled politely taking them in our hands as i headed towards the exit with Drew following closely behind. Once stepping outside a nice warm breeze hitting my skin as I took a sip from my drink.

Drew walking next to me as we headed down the side walk walking further away from the people mingling outside.

"So you fell in love with me?" He said referring to the song as he smiled softly making me laugh. "Took me to write a song for you to realize?" I questioned back as he let out a soft laugh.

We stopped in front of a bench overlooking a small pond with houses and docks on the other side of the water. I took a seat as he followed my lead, silence filling the air between us.

"Are you nervous?" He asked as I shook my head looking into the glass in my hands. "What's there to be nervous about?" I said looking up at him as he shrugged. "You aren't saying anything" he said as I pierced my lips. "I thought you were up north by your family?" I said as he sighed.

"Had a talk with my mom she made me realize a few things and I had to drive back" he said as I looked up at him. "Made you realize what?" I asked curiously as he smiled looking up in front of us as I had my eyes on him waiting for the answer.

"That I am so in love with you, that it practically kills me when I'm away from you. That this" he said pointing between us as I raised my eyebrows slightly. "This is only going to work if we both stop pushing each other away assuming ones feelings without communicating" he said as I broke eye contact.

"I get it though you needed time to find the effort you thought you didn't have to give me. But when I asked you to be my girlfriend you just being that was enough for me" he said as I looked out in front us at the lights from the houses reflecting onto the water.

"I um" I paused looking down at my drink tapping my fingers a few time against the glass. "I didn't mean to hurt you, you know. As much as this time apart was killing you I felt like my world was falling apart. Everytime something would happen whether that be at the diner or at the apartment you where the first person I wanted to call"

"When I couldn't sleep I wanted you next to me with your arm wrapped around me. It took me a little to realize that I think you're literally my other half" I said laughing softly at how ridiculous I probably sound as I looked up at him smiling at me.

"It's about time you realized that sheesh" he said jokingly shaking his head as I playfully pushed him. "No but really if you're willing to give this another chance so am I" I said smiling at him as he looked down at his glass then back up at me.

"Nah I don't know I'd have to think about it" he said sarcastically as we both laughed and got quiet. He reached for my hand interlocking it with his as I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Are you my girlfriend again?" He whispered as I softly smiled nodding my head. "Are we going to tell the others?" He said as I nodded again. "I mean you'll be in my hotel room tonight I'm sure they'll find out if we don't" I said as I sat back up looking at him.

"Wow first day of being your boyfriend and you're already inviting me in your bed?" He said smirking as I rolled my eyes. "No you get the pull out couch" I said standing up and pulling his arm to get up as well.

He yanked my arm gently towards him as he pulled me in his lap making me laugh. "Drew we have to go back I'm sure they're waiting on us to do the cake" I said resting my arms on his shoulders as he looked up at me, no words just his smile.

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