Chapter 24

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We were all huddled together in our now empty living room staying up to watch a random netflix movie JD picked out for us. The storm outside was hitting against the window, but it was soothing and relaxing.

My eyes were getting heavy as Drew was running his fingers through my hair as his eyes were glued to the TV.

"Did someone set an alarm" Chase said tiredly as Mads nodded. "I did so did Mads and Maddie" Franky said as her eyes stayed shut. "What time do we have to get up?" Rudy said yawning causing me to yawn as I shut my eyes.

"two more hours" Maddie said softly as I felt Drew place a soft kiss on my cheek as I fell in a deep sleep.


Three alarms blared in the living room as my eyes pealed open seeing the others sprawled out around me. I scrunched my eyebrows in irritation that I had no choice of having to get up. The girls turning off there alarm as nobody moved.

"Guys" Rudy said in a groggy tone "we should've went to bed earlier" He said "Mhm" I said agreeing as I sat up grabbing my neck in pain from the way that I fell asleep. I looked at Drew who had his arms crossed and head slightly tilted to the side to rest on the pillow that was to the right of him.

His eyes still shut and I knew he wasn't ready to wake up. I set my hand on top of his rubbing my thumb across it as I admired him for a moment. His eyes flickered open as he looked at me and softly smiled as he turned his hand over so that he was holding mine in his.

I looked around at the others again not seeing Maddie anywhere as I looked over to the empty kitchen. Confused as I tried to look around me again in case I was maybe not fully awake to realize she was in the living room, but she wasn't.

I got up slowly tossing the blanket over me as I let go of Drews hand. I picked up my blanket and covered him before walking down the hallway in case Maddie may have decided to sleep in one of our beds for the night, but the rooms were both empty and so was the bathroom.

"You guys" I said as nobody answered, I walked to the kitchen counter grabbing my phone. "where's maddie?" I said chase sighed sitting up. "She's pulling in" He said tiredly as the door opened up with Maddie struggling to carry all the Starbucks in.

"lets go guys get up" She said as I walked over helping her place the coffee on the counter as the others started to slowly get up. Groaning and stretching that came from each one of them as they all occupied the bathrooms to brush there teeth.

We were ready in our airport clothes since we got back from the town last night. I looked at Maddie who had one hand on her hip as she sipped her coffee with the other making me laugh slightly.

"Sorry yes in case you didn't notice I'm the mom of the group when it comes to traveling" She said laughing as I shook my head. Franky joined us as she yawned taking her coffee cup from the holder.

"Maybe it wasn't such a good idea staying up" Rudy said groaning as he lazily hugged me resting his head on my shoulder as I tapped his hands. "You and JD where the ones insisting on watching staying up and doing a movie marathon" I said as he stood upright to reach for his coffee across the counter.

"Yea whatever, I'm just excited to go home" He said smiling as he took a sip from his coffee. "And you'll be living with me and Drew" He said as I shook my head. "Only temporary until I find my own place" I said as he gasped.

"I'm offended you don't want to stay with us" He said as I jokingly rolled my eyes. "I just don't want to be a burden thats all" I said as the others approached us at the counter. "What are we talking about" Drew said as I shook my head.

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