Chapter 46

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11:30 pm

We had just finished having dinner with our friends and family after we became husband and wife. They all slowly went back to there hotel rooms and Drew and I were left with the soft piano melody playing from the piano near us.

"One last private dance for the evening before we head to the room?" Drew said standing up as he extended his hand to be as I placed it in his. I got up as he led me near the middle of our private beach reception as he turned to the piano player and nodded his head as he played slightly louder.

We swayed back and forth with the music as I placed my hand on his shoulder and he placed his on my waist while holding out the other hand. "My beautiful wife how'd I get so lucky?" He said staring down at me as I smiled.

"I should be the one saying that, husband" I said emphasizing the word husband as we softly laughed. "I love you so much" he said as he softly connected our lips. Our lips moved slowly against one another as the music felt like it was drowning every noise around us.

This one felt different, it felt as though it was just the two of us against the world. It was in this moment the feeling that all my problems, worries, and fears went away. As if I didn't have any when I was with Drew because he always made those go away.

Even though he always tells me he'll do anything to make sure I get healed from cancer, he doesn't realize that he's been healing me other ways than he'll ever know. And for that I will forever be grateful for having him. As a best friend, other half, and husband now.

He twirled me around as we started laughing before he pulled me in close to him. "Should we go in?" He said looking down at me and then to the water. "To the hotel? yea" I said as he laughed and then pointed at the water.

"Drew not the water, look what we are wearing" I said looking at him and then down at me. He grabbed my hand gently, "who said we had to wear anything" He said smirking as I looked at him and then at the water.

"But what if people-"

"It's dark baby nobody is going to see and if they do who cares, we say it's our wedding day they'll get it" He said as I laughed. "Don't be trying to get me pregnant again" I said as he gasped. "You don't want to have another baby with me?" He said grabbing his chest over exaggerating being dramatic. The classic Drew.

I smiled softly as I interlocked our hands and headed down to the water. It was true I didn't want to have another baby with him, not that I really don't want to, I do really want to have another baby with him. Hell I'd give him seven kids if I could, but with me having cancer I feel like the reality of it isn't going to allow me to do so.

So, when comments like that come up and I see how hard he's trying to act like everything's normal, I don't want to kill the mood, but it'll make me upset if we plan stuff for the future when the future isn't guaranteed anymore.

I took off my veil and set beside me on the sand as I watched him take his jacket off and unbutton his shirt before taking it off and setting it next to my veil. He took his pants off and did the same by placing it with his shirt and jacket.

He looked over at me with a confused expression as I moved my hair to one side in front of me as I turned around with my back facing him, "I need a little help" I said smiling at the ground in front of me.

He moved closely to me as I could feel his breath on my neck as he slowly unzipped my dress, before I let it drop to the floor, leaving me in a white lace set. I turned around to look at Drew as he was eyeing my body up and down.

"Shay" He said as he bit his lip locking his eyes with mine. I extended my hand as he interlocked it with his before we stepped slowly into the water. Nothing but the warm summer wind hitting our skin as I looked up at him with a smile. As he shared the same expression at me.

He pulled me closer to him pulling my hand up so I could rest my arms on his shoulders as he snaked his arms around my waist before locked out lips together. They moved slowly and passionately. So much love radiated off of us as he moved his hands up my back slowly as it sent chills down my body.

He unclipped my bra slowly as our kiss continued before moving his hands to my shoulders slowly moving my straps down my arms. We disconnected for a second as he threw my bra over to were our wedding attire had been set. I moved one step away from him as he scrunched his eyebrows in confusion for a second.

The moonlight was the only light reflecting from the water onto us as I hooked my fingers on my bottoms before slowly bringing them down my legs, not breaking eye contact with Drew as I turned around tossing them in the same direction he did with my bra.

I moved my hips slowly as I looked over my shoulder seeing him eye my body up and down. His jaw tightened as I smirked. "Shay" he spoke out as I felt his body up against my back quickly as he placed his lips on the crook of my neck I leaned my head back on him as I closed my eyes.

His hands moving down my bare body and then up to my chest as I let out a moan before saying his name. I turned around facing him as I noticed he took off his underwear as well before he picked me guiding my legs to wrap around his waist.

"I love you" he said smiling up at me as I laughed, "I love you too baby"


End of Chapter 46

Sorry short chapter this time around <3

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