Chapter 18

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August 1st 7:30am

My alarm began to ring through the hotel room as I barely opened my eyes shutting it off. I turned to see Drew groaning as his eyes were still shut.

I sighed closing my eyes again as I laid on my back as his arm draped over my stomach. "Why are we being woken up this early" he said in his morning voice as his eyes were still shut.

"In case you forgot your girlfriend still has cancer" I said looking over at him as he peaked open one eye looking at me smirking before shutting it again.

"I didn't forget babe" he said as I sat up dangling my legs over the edge of the bed. "Besides Austin reserved breakfast downstairs in one of the banquet rooms for you guys it ends at ten" I said yawning as I stared out the window of the hotel.

The sun was bright and high in the sky as cars rushed by down below. "I'm not going" he said as I ran my hand over my buzz cut, my hair was growing back slowly.

"Why not?" I said staring out the hotel window. "I want to go with you" he said as I got up off the bed walking over to my bag and pulling out what I needed to spruce myself up this morning.

"You're going to breakfast this morning, I have work after chemo today anyways" I said as he pouted looking over at me as I blew him a kiss before walking in the bathroom.

"Yea but todays our day off I want to be with you" he said from the bed as I turned the water on placing toothpaste on my brush before getting it wet under the water.

"I think you'll live" I said as I began brushing my teeth. I heard commotion from the room as Drew walked in the bathroom slowly yawning as I continued brushing my teeth staring at myself in the mirror.

He walked behind me wrapping his arms around me as he dug his head in my neck making me smile. We stood like this as he moved with me as I rinsed my mouth and shut the water off.

I stood there staring at him through the mirror as he kissed my neck softly. "Drew" I said gasping softly as I inched towards the mirror.

"You dumbass" I said as we both laughed looking at my neck where his marks from last night were red and visible. "Ah I love to see it" he said as I smacked his hands pulling away from his arms as he took the sink over to start brushing his teeth.

"Let me see you" I said as he began brushing his teeth turning his body to face me as I moved his head to the right seeing marks on his neck as well as I widened my eyes.

"We're so stupid, we have to cover these" I said as he shook his head rinsing his mouth out before shutting the sink off. "You can cover yours if you want but I'm not covering mine, they won't be seen if I wear a hoodie it'll be fine" he said as I rolled my eyes.

"And if someone sees it?" I said as he shrugged his shoulders smirking. "Then I say" he said thinking about his answer as he walked over to me grabbing my hand and pulling me towards him as he wrapped his arms around me as my hands did the same around him.

I looked up at him calming down from my worries. He was always somehow good at calming me down. He looked down at me smiling. "My sexy girlfriend gave them to me what can I say" he said as I shook my head smiling up at him.

He leaned in connecting our lips quickly before placing a couple soft kisses on my lips after. "I was wondering" he said as we stood in the same spot swaying back and forth now.

"Maybe you can get out of work early tonight so I can take you on a date?" He said more like a question as I smiled. "Oh so you're finally asking me out on a date?" I said smirking as he laughed tilting his head back slightly.

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