Chapter 38

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We had all just got back to the hotel as the wedding wrapped up. Everyone was in the room they were supposed to be in as Drew was already wrapped in bed.

I had just finished taking off all my makeup and tossing my hair in a messy bun. I peaked to see Drew's eyes closed as I smiled softly at the site.

I took off the robe I was in leaving me in a white simple set as I got in bed beside him. "Baby" he said softly. "Yes love" I said before turning off the night light on the bed side.

"What do you think of the name Willow if its a girl" he said as I smiled softly feeling his arm snake around my body pulling me closer to him as I felt his bare chest against my back.

"You're already thinking of names huh?" I said as he nodded. "I'm so excited to be a dad Shay" he said softly as my heart warmed at his words.

"I was afraid you weren't ready that's why I was so nervous to tell you" I said as he interlocked his hand that was over me with one of mine squeezing it softly.

"I'd always be ready if it means you being the mama" he said as I closed my eyes softly smiling. "I love you so much"

"I love you more Shay"

"My baby mama" he said as we both laughed.



We heard banging on our door repeatedly as I groaned. Squinting my eyes at the light that was coming into the hotel room.

"Can you go see who that is" I said to Drew as he tiredly got up yawning loudly on the way to the door. He unlocked it opening the door as Rudy stormed in.

"Good Morning love birds let's go get breakfast before Austin and Franky leave for the airport to there honeymoon" he said as I quickly covered myself with the bed blanket as I was still in just a bra and underwear.

"Rudy" I said as he smiled at me not seeing a problem as he tossed himself on the bed. "Come on I'll wait for you guys" he said "where's Elaine" I said as he sighed. "She has work film photography today with some clients" he said as I sighed wishing she was here to occupy him in this moment.

"Well could you close your eyes then I'm not dressed" I said as he nodded getting up and sitting on the sofa in the room turning to face the blinds as he closed his eyes.

"So Shay" he said pausing as I looked at Drew who was looking at me as I got up from the bed. "Yes she told me" Drew said smiling at me. "Oh thank freaking God I didn't know how much longer I could hold it in" he said.

"I'll give you a hug when I get the all clear from her" he said as I laughed shaking me head. I walked into the bathroom with my baby pink sweats and white short sleeve crop top that stopped under my bra.

I shut the door behind me softly as I began to do my morning necessities. I looked at myself in the mirror turning to the side. No bump yet but just imagining it made my insides scream with excitement.

I quickly began thinking about all the things I had to do when we got home. Running to the store to get all the small gift boxes to customize each one for everyone to announce our pregnancy.

Once I changed and tossed my hair in a messy bun I opened the door gathering all my belongings and shoving it in my bag.

"Are we ready?" Rudy asked as I looked at the two of them staring at me. "Yea" I said stressing out a bit as I followed them out the room. "You okay?" Drew asked as I nodded. "Yea I just have so much to do today" I said exhausted already from the thought as he draped one arm over my shoulders.

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