Chapter 34

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"Shay I'm about to head out to take Rudy and Elaine to the airport" Drew whispered in the dark room as I yawned getting up off the bed.

I grabbed ahold of his arm as we walked down the hallway towards the front door. Rudy was loading the car with there bags as Elaine and I hugged.

"Safe travels sister have fun" I said over her shoulder. "Thank you, you have fun too with having the house to yourself with Drew" she smirked when we released the hug as I winked at her smiling before stepping outside making her way towards the car.

Rudy walked up the stairs towards me as he opened his arms pulling me into a hug. "have a safe flight" I said softly as he rubbed my back before releasing the hug.

"Thank you" he said softly smiling. "You text me or call with any updates please" he whispered as I nodded.

"I will I promise, text me when you land" I said as he nodded walking down the steps. "You sure you don't want to come with to drop them off?" Drew said walking out the house and standing in front of me as I nodded.

"Yea I'm tired" I said as he nodded leaning down to place a soft quick kiss on my lips. "I'll be home quick and you'll probably be going back to bed so please lock the doors" he said as I nodded.

"I will, drive safe love you" I said waving to him as he walked to the car. "Love you too" he said as the Rudy rolled down the window. "Love you too Shane" he yelled as I laughed shaking my head. "Me too" Elaine said as I blew them kisses before they drove off.

I closed the door behind me locking it before heading to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. I turned on the lamp in the living room only illuminating a small spot leaving the rest of the room dark as I sat on the couch with my glass of water.

Silence, the only thing loud was mind, my thoughts, my worries, and my phone eager to receive a text from my Grandma. I stared at the little table in front of me as the pain in my neck started up again. I felt a tear slip down my face as I leaned my head back on the couch as I closed my eyes.

Taking a deep breath as I frowned to myself. Feeling my heart as heavy as can be only being able to think the worst right now.


I blinked my eyes open squinting them at the sunlight peering in the living room. The smell of waffles lingered the room as I found myself laying on the couch with a blanket covering me.

I grabbed my phone from the table tapping the screen to have it read 10:32am.

Rudy 9:45am
2 message notifications

Gio 8:00am
1 message notification

Grandma ❤️ 6:23am
3 message notifications

Drew 5:30am
1 missed call

Drew 5:20am
2 message notifications

I slid over my grandmas notifications reading hers first.

Grandma ❤️
Dr. Santiago is who you're getting
referred to

Grandma ❤️
(Insert address) that's the hospital
appointment at 1pm today to get
everything checked out

Grandma ❤️
Please call me when you're done
they should have results in the
evening he'll give you call
I'm sure he'll tell you that before
you leave the hospital today. I love you

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