Chapter 10

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So this is what it feels like when everyone assumes your life is going to end sooner than planned. It scares me the idea of it, the idea that people think theres no chance of surviving it, yet its not them fighting it its you. I was back at the apartment with Franky after my grandparents insisted on having me stay with them.

But I assured them I'll be fine and check in with them everyday. Its been a day sense I've been back from the hospital, tomorrow I start treatment. Franky has been seeing the others without me as she understood why I was closing myself off but didn't agree with my choice.

Drew was nonstop spamming my phone, even tried coming last night when I came home, but I had Franky lie and say I was sleeping which again she wasn't happy about. "Drews losing it" Franky said walking to the living room and sitting across from me as I laid on the couch tiredly hugging the blanket covering my body.

"I know so am I" I said softly as she stared at me. "why won't you see him" She said as I stared at new girl playing on the tv hoping it would help cheer me up. "I don't want to be a burden" I said sadly as she stayed silent. "Can you please just talk to him, he can't even do his scenes right at work because he's worried about you" She said as I looked at her.

"I start chemo tomorrow" I said ignoring her comment as she nodded. "Yes I know" She said as we stayed silent for a moment. I feel bad, a guilt quickly rushing over me. I was caring for everyone in my life and I was never someone who intentionally would try to hurt someone because I knew from experience how that was.

"my phones on the counter can you grab it?" I said as she nodded smiling softly as she got up to grab it. I sat up on the couch as she walked over to me before leaving the room to give me privacy. I unlocked it seeing numerous texts again from Drew and few missed calls.


let me come see you Shay please
why are you pushing me away

Family 🤎

we miss you Shay :(

I've been crying ngl can we come see you


I don't think she'll answer give her time you guys

We want to be there for you


^^ 😔

I hovered over his name as I clicked the call button. After one ring it was silent on the line. "Shay?" I heard on the other end. His voice that I've missed so much. "Hi" I said softly as a sigh of relieve escaped him. "Can you come over I want to talk to you" I said nervously my heart beating loudly. "Yea of course I'll be on my way right now" He said as I smiled softly. "Okay" I said as I ended the call setting my phone beside me.

"Fran" I said as she turned the corner smiling. "See" She said as I shook my head laying back down covering myself with the blanket, as I saw her all dressed up. "Oh my god I forgot about the date you had" I said as she smiled. "You had other important things trust me" She said as I smiled. "You look great" I said as she wore a silky silver dress with sandaled heels leaving her short hair pinned straight.

"So you didn't want me to be alone tonight thats why you where practically forcing me to call Drew" I said as she smiled. "No" She said jokingly as I shook my head. "i hate you" i said as the doorbell rang. "Oh I know you love me" she shouted walking to the door and opening it before looking at me to ask if it was okay to let them in.

I nodded as Austin walked in with two flowers and a box, as he handed one of them to Fran and walked over to me, as Drew walked slowly in talking to Fran at the front door. "Hey" he said leaning down on the couch giving me a hug. "these are for you, from all of us and Rudy attempted to make cookies for you they might be bad but its the thought that counts" He said setting them down on the coffee table.

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