Chapter 37

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"Are we ready?" Franky yelled from behind us as we all gave her a thumbs up. "What's our pose?" Rudy asked as I pierced my lips thinking about it for a moment. "I pretend to kick you a soccer ball and you pretend to score as we both do ronaldos pose after you score?" I said as his face lit up. "SIUUU" He said kinda loud as we both laughed.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen we thank you for gathering today to celebrate Austin and Franky and it is my honor as Austins uncle to be the speaker for this evening. Our first pair is bestman of the groom Rudy and Maid of Honor Shane" He announced as both Rudy and I stepped out with the guests clapping. We walked down the stairs reaching the bottom rather quickly as I stepped back pulling up my dress a little bit to expose my heels as pretended to kick him the soccer ball.

He kicked towards the aisle as we both lightly jogged to the center of the dance floor doing Ronaldos pose. We turned to each other and laughed as he grabbed ahold of my hand leading us to our seats at the head table.

"That may be the best thing I have ever done in my life" He said out of breath as did I as I nodded smiling. "Figured you'd like it" I said as he smiled at me before we turned our attention to Drew and Elaine as she walked behind Drew towards the center pretending to be a photographer taking pictures of Drew as he posed and we cheered.

"It's cute how we're all incorporating our personalities in this!" I said smiling big as he nodded smiling at Elaine as they took there seats Elaine next to Rudy as Drew sat next to her at the next open seat. He winked at me before looking towards the stairs.

"You guys did good!" Elaine said as I smiled at her. "Um you guys did amazing I was just telling him I like how we incorporated our personalities in it" I said as she nodded. "Smart idea sister" She said as we turned our attention to Maddie and Chase as he stepped back extending his arms for us to look at Maddie as she did a catwalk like she was on a runway posing at the end towards us as Chase cheered her on along with me and Elaine.

She turned around and did the same for Chase as he jokingly walked down his own catwalk as we laughed cheering him on as they then posed with there backs on one another before heading to the table.

"making me feel some type of way Chase" Rudy said down the table as he winked at him as they both then laughed at one another. Mads and JD walked down the stairs as everyone began to laugh. JD had Mads dress on unzipped in the back as it was to small and Mads had on his button up and suit jacket as my mouth dropped open.

"oh my god" Elaine said as we all laughed I covered my mouth as I watched them down the dance floor as they both posted towards one another before laughing at themselves and heading to the table.

"My dress is going to fall off" JD said laughing as we laughed with him. "By far the best entrance" I said as Mads blew me a kiss. "And now can we please rise for the bride and groom" Austins uncle said as we all stood up.

The doors opened as the lights dimmed. "Give it up for your newlyweds Austin and Franky North" He said as we all cheered some whistles echoed in the reception as they stood at the top of the balcony connecting lips before making there way down the stairs hand in hand. They waved and smiled as I waved my napkin in the air with excitement.

Once they reached the floor they made there way to the dance floor immediately going into there first dance as we all took a seat quietly watching them in awe as they were sharing a few words and smiling at one another.

The server came to our table filling up our glasses with champagne. "I'm okay thank you" I said stopping him as he nodded moving down to Rudy. "Dude" He said looking at me. "A sip isn't going to make you drunk" He said as I shrugged.

"I'm a light weight" I said frowning as he gave me a serious look. "Hi she actually changed her mind" He said to the server down by Mads as he came over. "Rudy no" I said glaring at him as he smiled at the server.

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