Chapter 36

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The warm evening breeze hit against our skin as we listened to Franky explain what's expected from all of us tomorrow on her wedding day.

"We have you guys paired up obviously as being the groomsmen and bridesmaids, you are to be with this person walking into the ceremony down the aisle and then walking with them after we complete the ceremony" Franky said as she flipped over the page in her notebook.

"We have best man Rudy and maid of honor Shane" She said smiling at me as I smiled back at her. "If you guys can just review the packets in front of you, it's just the rundown of everything tomorrow. The hotel we're getting ready at and staying at after the wedding, all reservations have been made for each one of you guys, the party bus and so forth is going to pick us up from the hotel and we're all due to check in early at 11 am does that all sound good?" Franky said as we all nodded.

"Perfect" She said as Austin stood up raising his glass. "Wheres your drink?" Drew said as I shook my head. "I already had it it's okay I can cheers with my water its not a big deal" I said as he nodded. I had dumped the champagne under the table in the sand when nobody was looking pretending to adjust my dress as I did so earlier.

"Thank you guys again for all the preparations and being there for the two of us through it all, we can't wait to continue the celebration tomorrow, and of course congratulations to Drew and Shane" Austin said as we all raised our glasses clinking them together.

Music began to play throughout the beach as we all began in our separate conversations. "How have you been sweetheart" My grandma said resting her hand on my thigh as I set my hand on top of hers smiling at her. "I've been good I actually have been meaning to tell you and grandpa" I said as she leaned a little back in her chair so he could come into the conversation.

"I'm cancer free" I whispered as there mouths dropped open. "When did you find out?" She said "this morning really early in the morning" I said as she kissed my hand. "Oh thank God see what did I say those prayers work" She said as I nodded.

"I told you, you had nothing to worry about" Grandpa said as I smiled at the two of them. I looked at Franky down at the end of the table as she was staring at Austin in awe, in complete admiration.

I was staring for to long as she looked over at me giving me the 'everything okay' look. I stood up hoping she'd follow. "I'll be right back I just have to go to the bathroom" I said to Drew as he nodded continuing the conversation he was having with Rudy.

Franky stood probably telling Austin the same thing as she extended her hand out to me to grab. We walked hand in hand down the beach away from everyone. "Whats on your mind sister?" She said concerned as I pierced my lips.

"When the doctor called last night to tell me I'm cancer free-"

"Oh my god wait what?" She said scrunching her eyebrows.

"It was just a scare Fran I had to go to some appointments to get some tests run but it all came back clear except" I said pausing as she stopped walking now in the sand as we were far enough away from everyone.

"What's going on?" She said as she saw my eyes start to get glossy. "I'm pregnant" I said as my voice cracked. "Oh my god shut up congratulations why are you crying, don't cry cause you're going to make me cry" She said pulling me into a hug and then releasing it quickly as she grabbed ahold of both of my hands.

"I don't know why I'm crying I guess it's just a little emotional to process you and Gio are the only ones that know, I don't know how to tell Drew" I said sniffling.

"wait that's why you weren't drinking I noticed you cheering with water but didn't want to say anything" She said as I laughed softly shaking my head.

"Why are you scared to tell Drew though he put a ring on you it's not like he's going to dip now" She said as I shook my head. "I don't know I just feel like what if he's not ready. What if having a baby right now isn't what he wants" I said frowning as she put her hand on my arm rubbing it for reassurance.

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