Chapter 001

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The First Girl

Beach House - Space Song 🎵



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"Hey, shh. Hey..."

You lift your head up, which is aching slightly as you look around in a slight panic. Did you hit your head?

Stone walls and dirty ground. Hand built, dugout, man-made. Sticks bundled together with rope act like the shelter of this weird dugout disappointment. But by the way the bamboo gate is built with gaps big enough to grab a hold of, you'd assume this is like a jail. Other bamboo sticks also stand on the rocks and the dirt to give the roofing some stability.

A boy, crouched down on the other side sits on sand, where you assume it had been placed or poured where dirt once was.

How'd they get the sand?

He turns his head to the side curiously at you, his face in a resting position as he contemplates if you're calm enough for communication.

"It's okay, Greenie." His voice is slightly deep, but calm and not alarmed like yourself. This was the commanding voice from before, when he told someone to get you out. "We can't have another panic attack, okay?"

Your eyes dart to the ground quietly, your foot digging into some grains of sand that had spilled from the other side. You perch yourself on some of the cobble, your cold hands lacing themselves together.

You want to cry. You want to die...

What is this? If it isn't a nightmare, then why are you here? Why can't you remember?

"Are we okay now?"

"I can't remember..." Your voice comes out as a whimper, a tear running down your face as your throat is dry. You need some water or something.

"I know." He replies, lowering his head slightly at the tone of your sadness. You use a sleeve to wipe your cheek, looking up at the mystery man.

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